chapter twenty-five

Start from the beginning

Jeremiah watched in fascination as his sister started screaming in pain and fear. She was sitting right in front of him, but also not at the same time. It was the perfect way to eliminate the threat she made. Jeremiah thanked Jervis Tetch and sent him to start the distraction for Jim Gordon. 

"Move her to the other room." Jeremiah ordered the two guards that stood next to his sister.

Without another word, they reached down to Jane's tied body and left her from the chair. Her screams followed for a short time before the door to her new room was opened and she was thrown in. Her screams could be heard slightly, but enough for the job to be done.

Jeremiah smiled wickedly. Everything was going according to plan. He turned to Ecco. "Let's get this game started."


Standing in front of her was Jane's mother Lila. In her hand, she held her precious snake Sheba and a steak knife. Jane's mouth felt dry. She even felt tears building up in her eyes for a woman that never loved her. 

"M-Mom?" Jane's voice croaked out.

Lila spat at her. "Don't you dare call me that. I was never your mother. You were just a pest I was stuck with."

Suddenly her mother was barely a foot in front of her. She smelt the same: cheap vodka and cigarette smoke with a hint of vanilla. Sheba was so close to Jane, slithering up and hissing at her. She flinched. She hated Sheba. For a cold blooded reptile, Sheba really acted like it at times. Too many times did Sheba bite Jane, majority of the time for no reason. Her mother noticed Jane nervously looking at the snake, so she let Sheba slither on her. She was crawling around Jane's shoulders and body like nothing, biting her over and over again.

Jane started screaming. It felt so real. Lila laughed and promptly stabbed Jane in the stomach over and over again. It felt like the blade was going through Jane's entire stomach by the end of it. Tears streamed down her face as well as her blood curdling scream. The coldness of the blade stayed in her stomach as blood gushed out. 

Lila got close to Jane's ear and whispered, "This was what it was like to be your mother. Every day, I wanted to strangle you. Do the world a favor and get rid of you then and there." Tears were gathering over Jane's shaky breath. "I should've killed you the moment you popped out of me. You were never my child. I was never your mother."

Lila and Sheba then disappeared, leaving the steak knife in Jane's stomach. Jane let go of that breath she was holding in. Some sobs left her mouth. Jane had no clue why she was even upset. These were all things she imagined her mother saying. Maybe hearing it aloud put her over the edge. Jane was unsure, but she was confused what was happening. The knife felt real, so did Sheba and her mother. But it wasn't right?

"What are you blubbering about?"

His voice sent a chill down Jane's spine. She looked up and made direct eye contact with the forever dead Jerome. He gave her a cocky smile, his signature. "What? Surprised to see me?" Jane didn't respond, just stared at him with her tear filled eyes and bleeding all over the floor and herself. "You think I would miss a chance to torture my favorite victim one last time?"

Jerome looked down at the knife in Jane's stomach and pulled it out quickly. Jane winced and grunted under her breath. "Not gonna speak, Janey?" Jane just kept continuing to stare at him. Jerome nodded. "Okay, let's see if I can get you sing then."

Jane's eyes widened as Jerome used the knife to slice up her arms. Jane started yelling, pleading even for him to stop. That made Jerome laugh. "I missed this. Me, you, you bleeding, you pleading me to stop, me never listening to you." He let out another laugh. "Good times."

Jane glared at him. "You had your fun. Leave me alone."

He pouted. "But we just started." Swiftly, Jerome took off Jane's pointer finger. Jane screamed. Then he took the middle finger of the other hand off. Tears started again as Jane screamed the loudest she has ever. 

Jerome picked up her fingers from the bloodied floor. He gave her a smile. "Just wanted a couple of souvenirs. Our time is coming to an end." He winked at her. "Our brother has some amazing plans for your death. Only wish it was me killing you."

He disappeared and Jane was left to think. Was Jeremiah planning on killing her after this plan he had for Bruce? She didn't want to die. She just learned how to live. She had so many plans for when this was over. She would leave Gotham. Find a stable job. Maybe get married and have a couple of kids. Jane looked up at her chains and tried pulling with all her might. Nothing. Jane was getting increasingly frustrated. She had to get out of these chains and find out how to save her own life. She kept trying until a voice called out to her. 

"That's not going to work."

Jane's heart dropped. She looked down, not believing her own ears. Standing in front of her with her angelic beauty was Laney, the love of Jane's life. Unlike the other two, Laney wasn't holding any weapons. She was wearing a white dress with her almost white blonde hair falling perfectly and angelically over her shoulders. Her soft face was staring coldly at Jane, but she didn't mind. Laney was standing right in front of her. There was so much Jane wanted to say.


Laney held up her hand to stop her. "Jane. I don't want to hear it. I'm here to tell you all the things I wished I had when I was alive."  Jane's mouth was shut. She wouldn't speak until Laney was done. She wanted to hear every little thing. Except when Laney started talking, she wished she wasn't.

"You are the reason I'm dead, Jane." Laney stated plainly. "The moment I met you was the worst day of my life. The burden you put on me reminded me every day why I tried to kill myself. I should've let you be alone. I should've destroyed you when I had the chance. You were the worst thing to ever happen to me. I would much rather have my abusive family than you. Always crying. Always having panic attacks and depression episodes. You should've killed yourself." Jane's eyes were overflowing with tears at this point. For a year, she wanted nothing more than to talk to Laney... But not like this.

"I would be alive right now if I never met you Jane," Laney spat. "I would've gotten out of Arkham. I would've had a normal life, while you wasted your life and tried to kill yourself again in Arkham." Laney got close to Jane's ear for the last part. "I hate you, Jane. I never loved you."

In the real world, the untied Jane started sobbing loudly while she was over Alfred's shoulder. Bruce had been able to convince a still hypnotized Alfred to carry hypnotized Jane. He had to get them out before the Wayne Manor exploded thanks to Jeremiah's bombs. Bruce looked over at Jane and felt such pity for her. He couldn't imagine what she was imagining. When he found her, she was a screaming and sobbing mess on the floor. 

Bruce moved quickly, dragging Alfred and Jane down the stairs. They were almost out. The universe must've been on their side because as the bombs went off. Bruce's body didn't fall far . Jane was shot off Alfred's shoulder, both of them falling farther than Bruce.

Jane's vision cleared and she regained consciousness. She saw Bruce and Alfred and the tunnel closed off now. She looked down at her hands, seeing all her fingers. She was completely fine. It was just a trick. 

"Jane!" Bruce's voice got her attention right away. "Are you okay?"

Jane was unsure what to say. She remembered everything that happened. She could probably still cry about it. But she didn't. She ignored his question and just got straight to business. They had to stop Jeremiah. "What should we do now?"

omg this chapter took so long to write. but it was worth it! i think it came out well :) i hope u all agree!

im sorry for the long wait. it was finals season so i had no time to write. im on break now tho! so expect the last two chapters to come out quickly (hopefully double update next week... fingers crossed)

i cant believe the first part of ace chemicals is done! we've come so far guys! all the way from s1 to now! who knew what type of journey jane would be put through.

please don't forget to comment! see you all next chapter!

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