chapter twenty-three

Start from the beginning

Jeremiah's lead led them to a small room to the side. The doors were industrial so it took some effort to open and close. Inside, there was nothing. It was just an empty room that continued the style. Once they were in the middle of the room, they roughly dropped Jane and exited without saying another word to Jeremiah. When the door slammed shut, Jane's stomach dropped. Now they were alone. Bad things happened to Jane when she was alone with him. 

Jeremiah stood a foot from the front door with his hands held behind his back. He held a smug smile on. "I must say, Janey, I was hoping our meeting again would be more satisfying. You know, like me kidnapping you and you helpless and at my mercy." He closed to the gap between them but still stood over her. He chuckled. "I mean, you still are right now, but less satisfying."

Jane glared and spit on his shoe in defiance. Jeremiah didn't react much, just rose an eyebrow at it. She dared disrespect him? He tsked. "Janey, Janey, Janey..." Chills went down her spine. "Do we have to start from square one like last time?"

Jane didn't have much time to react as Jeremiah's foot went swinging, hitting Jane's jaw upwards, making her fall back. He put a lot of force into it so Jane heard her jaw crack. Jane's hand immediately went to her jaw. She wanted to cry, but didn't want to give him the satisfaction. 

While on the ground, the kicking came more intensely. First, he kicked her rips until she heard one crack. Then, he kicked his foot straight down onto her shoulder, definitely dislocating it. Then, he just kept kicking her abdomen. One kick after another, no slow-down or less painful than the next. At this point, Jane couldn't help it. Her screams echoed along the walls. The sounds of her bones cracking and snapping were almost as loud. She felt tears running down her face. 

Why had she come back here?

Why did she decide to help Selina and Bruce when she knew this would happen? 

Through all of this, Jeremiah's laugh echoed over her. The crazed laugh set something off in Jane. She felt herself starting to shut down. She was back in the same cycle of abuse she foolishly convinced herself she was out of. 

Bruce and Selina would come for her soon, right?



The sound of coughing and metal filled Jane's ears as she sat on the ground outside of the tunnel. Jeremiah didn't give her much information, but she could tell he was trying to build a tunnel under the water, to land, to safety. Jane was currently on the ground because she was forced down here. Her brother had chained her up against the wall, behind a solid table. Her hands were tied behind her back and then her ankles were also chained together. She couldn't make any sound as her brother had taped her mouth completely shut. She was unable to make a sound, even if she wanted to.

Key words were "wanted to." 

Jane's body hurt. She managed to push her shoulder back into place but everywhere else wasn't doing so hot. Bruises scattered her body, as well as some possible sprained and broken bones. Her brother truly did a number on her. He told her it was to fix her again, but she was sure her betrayal when the bridges went down also fueled some of those kicks. Her body was exhausted and couldn't move. Even if she could scream, she didn't have the energy to do anything but sit here and mindlessly stare at her brother abusing and ordering his followers around to continue building. 

She progressively losing hope that Selina and Bruce were still here. She was convinced they left her, and she didn't blame them. She would leave her too. She's a liability. 

Jane watched through the crack of the table as Jeremiah started fanning himself with his white hat. It was little too fancy for Jane's taste. "You see, a river cuts through rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence. So what do we do when we feel like giving up?"

The workers replied tiredly, "Dig a little deeper."

Jeremiah stood enthusiastically. "And what do we do when we can't possibly go on any longer?"

"Dig a little deeper."

Jane watched as a woman wearing a mask walked up to Jeremiah slowly. He hadn't noticed her yet. Or he had, just didn't care. "And what do we-"

Just as he was continuing his sentence, the woman stabbed Jeremiah in the abdomen. Jane's eyes widened. 

The woman took the mask off, revealing it to be Selina wearing a smug expression. "Deep enough?"

She held the knife in place as Jeremiah tried croaking out some words. "Well, Selina, I must say-" Another stab. Jeremiah gasped.

"Don't say anything," She replied calmly. Jane was getting chills watching. She had never seen this side of Selina and it scared her. 

Selina ripped the knife out of Jeremiah and continued to stab him over and over again with no mercy. She was about to stab his face when Bruce grabbed her hand. "Selina!"

Jeremiah fell over and Selina struggled against Bruce's grip. "It's done! It's over," Bruce said. They both stared down at his body before they realized all the workers around them. "We need to get out of here, now."

Jane watched as the two ran off without her. She couldn't yell out. She couldn't do anything. They had left her here to die at whatever would happen next. 

Then Jane's eyes landed on her last living brother's corpse. She had wanted to be the one to kill him all this time, yet here she was: a bystander to his death as she was once again his victim. Sounded about right for his ending.

Chaos among the workers started until a strong voice echoed through. "Get back to work!" Ecco stood proudly over Jeremiah's body. Jane found it odd how she didn't look at all effected by his death, especially given how close they were. Something wasn't right with the whole situation.

Ecco went closer to the table, to check if Jane was still left. Jeremiah had placed her here, knowing Selina and Bruce wouldn't notice her when they came to kill him. To Ecco's happy surprise, Jane still sat there, looking confused and scared. 

Ecco smiled down at her. "Well, look's like Bruce and Selina forgot something."

long time no see! im sorry for the delay but life....

anyways here is another chapter! i was super excited about this one so i hope yall enjoyed it :) 

i just wanted to say thank you guys so much on 5k reads on this story and then 17.5k reads on doe eyes! its crazy to me how much this story has grown. i never expected this and im so happy :)

we are nearing the end, which sad :( but exciting things are happening

don't forget to comment your reactions to things and see you guys soon with another chapter!

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