Within a matter of 10 minutes the class has boarded the bus peacefully but the thing is the but looks nothing like what Iida was expecting so everybody just sat where they wanted. I ended up sitting in between Denki and Ejirou. Soon the bus is driving and everyone takes this chance to chat with each other. I talk with Ejirou and Denki for a good while, making plans for our hang out this weekend. "Should we meet up by the star bucks by Shizukyo train station, it's fairly close to where I live. About an 10 minute walk" I tell my two friends. "Yeah, it's a 15 minute walk from my house so that's fine" Denki says with a thumbs up. "It's a 20 minute walk for me but I'll be more than happy to meet up there" Ejirou says. "Alright then, when we get back to the school we should exchange number so we can let each other know when we get there. How does 3pm sound?" I ask and they both nod their heads in agreement.

I go to say something else but before the words leave my mouth I pick up something else but before I can I hear Tsu say something that draws my attention over to her. "I've always been one to speak my mind and I've been wondering this for a long time but, that power of yours, isn't it a lot like All Might's quirk? Isn't it Midoriya-chan?" Tsu asks her fellow green head and now that someone points it sound she's right. He even says "smash" whenever he throws a powered punch. What's up with that? "O-oh you re-really think so? I-I never thought of it like that! I-I guess it's k-kind of similar" Izuku says nervously as he flails his arms around, his face becoming flushed red. "Hold on Tsu you're forgetting something really important, All Might doesn't break his bones every time he uses his quirk" Ejirou points out and I have to say he's right.

"That's true, there are a lot of power type quirks like Deku's and All Might's but each of them have a different drawback or limit. Maybe you're just thinking too hard Tsu. Like mine, I have the same quirk as my cousin and our quirks give us both Superhuman Strength but we have a limit to what I can lift, currently I can only lift four tons while my cousin can lift 6 tons" I tell the green haired girl as I think about the many power enhancement quirks that I've heard of or seen including mine. As for Peter he can lift about 3,600 tons! I know, that's a lot. If I want to be like him I have a lot of training to do. "Woah that's amazing Maria-han! Denki says completely shocked, "thanks" I tell him with a small laugh. "Still I bet it's pretty cool to have a simple augmenting quirk, you could do a lot of flashy stuff with it" Ejirou says as he looks from me over to Izuku.

"Honestly the only thing I can do with my quirk is harden my skin, not very flashy if you ask me. With this kind of quirk I won't be able to catch attention easily which is something a pro will nee" Ejirou tells us as he activates his quirk on his arm and shows us his hardened skin. "That's not true Kirishima-san! You're quirk is perfect for both offensive attacks and defensive attacks! You're bound to get noticed with a quirk like that! You make the perfect shield and weapon, if you train enough your quirk can be deadly but life saving at the same time!" Izuku tells our red haired classmate excitedly.

"Well if any of our classmates have strong quirks it's definitively Bakugou and Todoroki plus Maria-chan" Ejirou says and both males look over at the mention of their names. "Aw come on Ejirou, I'm not that strong" I tell him light heartedly as I playfully slap his shoulder. "That's not true, you placed second in the quirk assessment test! That proves you're strong!" Denki tells me excitedly and I feel my cheeks heat up, luckily my mask covers it. "Sure Bakugou-chan's strong but his personality isn't that decent so he wouldn't make a good pro hero" Tsu says and I slam my hand to my mouth to muffle my sudden laughter. "O-oh my gosh Tsu" I say as I try to hold back my laugh but small giggles escape me. "What the hell did you say frog face?! I'll blast you into the sun you son of a b*tch!" Bakugou yells as he hops up from his seat, his expression very aggressive.

"See" Tsu says as she points to raging Bakugou causing me to giggle lightly. "You know we basically just met you lately but we can all agree when it's said that your personality is steaming garbage seeped in sewage" Denki says smugly only further provoking Bakugou. "What was that you blonde bastard?! I'll tear you to pieces" Bakugou yells and turns his anger onto his fellow blond. 'He does know he's a blond as well, right?' I think as a sweat drop appears on my head while I watch Bakugou yell insult after insult at Denki. "All of you be quiet! We're here so stop messing around" Mr. Aizawa says loudly and everybody, Bakugou, stops yelling and quiets down like our teacher demanded.

The American Spider: MariaWhere stories live. Discover now