Chapter 22: Six Feet Under

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"Sidewalks saved my life."

"What do we do? Half of the population has disappeared from existence."

"How does that even work?"

"Are they just gone forever?"

"Guys! Quiet!"

Terra had stopped everyone in their jumbled conversation.

"We need to all just calm down."

"Calm down? How do we do that when most of our friends are gone?" Ven shouted.

"Terra's right." Pharrell butt in. "We've been through some hard things over on our end, but we were close to getting the plan together until Hartman, Aqua, Regina, and Eraqus disappeared."

"So we were talking about luring Rumplestiltskin with Baelfire, so that he'd follow him to Gesaffelstein and then we could rescue him. But then... That happened."

"It has to be Rumple." Abel said confidently.

"We don't know that." Wayne added. "Are you sure that he even has that much power?"

"He is the Dark One."

"Well, let's wait and see."

So they did, for a little while. But soon, they got worried.

"Alright, nothing's happened. What do we do?" Ven asked impatiently.

"My Papa's tricky, but he'd never do anything like this. I don't know of any curse that turns people to dust." Baelfire said.

"How can you be sure of that?" Terra demanded.

"I've been close enough to him to see and witness what his magic can do. He is immortal, but he could do nothing like this."

"Then who could it be?" Ven asked.

"I think I know someone who can help." Terra reached into his pocket.

"Aqua's necklace!"

"I took it right as she disappeared."

"What does it do?" Baelfire asked, interested.

"It helps call on a friend of ours." He tapped the necklace. "Dr. Strange?"

"Terra?" Strange called in his head. "This isn't a good time."

"I know, that's why I called, about the disappearing."

"There's not much time at all for me, but I can get a portal to where you are. Hold on."

In front of them appeared the large orange circle.

"Wow..." Pharrell whispered.

"C'mon. Let's go." So they walked through, and found themselves on what seemed like a red, rocky surface. Maybe somewhere in space.

Just as they walked through, the portal disappeared, along with dust around them. Dr. Strange was gone.

"Terra? Ven?"

It was Tony Stark, Iron Man.

"What are you doing here?"

"Didn't you see? The portal?" Terra pointed to where they were.

"Yeah, I know. But why are you here? Don't you know what's happening?"

"Well, no. We thought Strange knew. But now he's gone. We got to him right before he disappeared. What's going on?"

Tony sighed. "It's a long story. Are you able to teleport back to Earth?"

"Ye- wait. We're on another planet?"

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