Chapter 8: Delay

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He knew that if Ven found him, they'd both be in trouble.

"Woah! How did you do that?"

"I guess I've just practiced it over the years, and been able to control it."

Ventus had just shown Duncan his ability to materialize his keyblade. He thought it would be a little fun to reveal some of his secrets. The not so big ones.

"Can I try?" Duncan asked eagerly.

"Sorry, but I made a promise to Master Eraqus not to unless he says yes." Ven replied.

"Can you ask him?"

"Maybe after I get out of this school!" Ven snapped.

There was a long pause. Ven then realized, he was probably going to be stuck at Prufrock for a long time.

Duncan put his hand on his friend's shoulder comfortingly.

"I know how you feel." Duncan reassured. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. When you get out, you can show me everything."

"But you don't have anywhere else to go."

"Oh." Duncan realized what he had said. "You're right."

Ven perked up with an idea.

"Hey! Maybe if I ask Terra, you and Isadora can move in with us!"

"Well, that's if she wants to."

"You wanna go ask her?" Ven asked.


Meanwhile, Terra was at home, on comms with Lil Wayne.

"How is he?" Terra asked, concerned.

"Well, happy for now. He has friends, and that's good. But he still misses you, Aqua, and Georgie."

"And Count Olaf?"

"Unknown. He's planning something, but I have no idea what it is."

"Spy on him tonight. Listen to every word that he says. If you find anything useful, tell me. And keep Olaf's plan delayed."

"Aight." Dwayne got off the comms, and Terra sat on his couch, stressed. What would happen if Count Olaf came to steal Terra's money?

Well, if it came to the worst, he would fight. Olaf wasn't smart, but who knows what his fighting techniques would be?

Anyways, Ven and Duncan had informed Isadora about the plan for them to move in.

"Well, there's one problem." She said. "How many people live with you in total?"

Ven stopped and thought. Terra, Aqua, Eraqus...

"4 including me."

"Well, that's going to be a little hard having Duncan and me around with 4 other people."

"Oh, come on!" Duncan protested. "There's families of 9 out there!"

"Well, Ven's master might not like the idea of us moving in. It's a lot to take care of."

Isadora's brother sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry, Ven."

"It's ok. I'm sure you'll figure out something for your life."

She nodded understandingly. "Thanks for being our friend."

"That's what I'm here for."

Meanwhile, Lil Wayne was spying on "your average villain", Count Olaf.

"But how are we going to get to him? There's adults everywhere." The indeterminate gender guy said.

"We're going to lure him in with the other one." Olaf responded.

"The other one?" The one with the hooks questioned. "Why don't we just say his name?"

"Because someone's eavesdropping on us right now, and I'd like to know who it is. Come out, please!"

Dwayne tried Bluetooth-calling Terra, but he didn't answer. So he decided to voicemail.

"Hey, Terra? I've been caught."

533 words.

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