Chapter 21: Sidewalks

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Things were about to get wild.

Wild indeed. Pharrell motioned everyone inside the shelter with Baelfire.

"How did you even get here?" Abel asked, still very shocked.

"I've been here a couple of days, when that guy kidnapped me. Yes, I was thinking about collabing with G, but I didn't know he was that much of a target."

"But why was Rumplestiltskin after you?" Terra inquired.

"Well, after Mike told me about him, I was pretty much in on this. The Dark One wanted to get him to "pay" for the deal. He'd got the powers, but he had them with no consequences."

"That makes sense." Aqua added.

"Yeah. But when Rumplestiltskin saw me, he saw me as something valuable to Mike, and took me."

"But I figured something was up, since I saw him with Mr. Williams outside the-"

"Call me Pharrell. Please." He told Baelfire.

"Sorry. But anyway, I stopped him. I made my papa give him up and leave, and that's how he's here."

Eraqus smiled. "It's good that we came here, otherwise we wouldn't have found you."

"That reminds me," Pharrell started, "I still haven't got your names yet."

So all of Abel's friends introduced themselves to Pharrell, and got acquainted easily.

"Alright, so how we gonna do this?"

Regina told them all her plan.

Meanwhile, Sam arrived at the Six Flags park with Georgie, Ventus, Bill, Duncan, and Isadora.

"Alright, kids! We're here."

Finally, Georgie got to have some time away from all of the hard times, and just have fun with his friends.

They walked into the park with excitement, and basically forgetting the troubles they had and putting them behind themselves.

"Alright, what should we go to first?" Georgie asked.

"Well, it's up to you, Georgie." Ven offered.

"Uhhh, how about the coasters?"

"Ok. Which ones?" Duncan repeated.

"All of em."

Ven sighed. "Ok, first of all- I don't think all of us can do every one of them right now, and what Duncan is saying is, do you have any preferences on which specific rides? Or do you not want rides?"

"Hold on, I haven't done this in a while, ok?" Georgie snapped.

Taken aback, they stepped away.

"Hey, don't b-be hard on h-him." Bill whispered. "He's had a hard t-time. Let him think."

Without letting him think, Bill crouched down and looked his brother in the eyes.

"G-Georgie, don't be upset. This is going to be the most f-fun we've had in a long w-while. I know it's hard, b-but I'll help you. I'll help you through it, just like my f-friends helped me get th-through my hard times. N-Now let's go out there, and just go on what we s-see. Don't pick, just go. I promise you, it'll h-help. Ok?"

Georgie nodded. "Ok." He hugged Bill, grateful to have a loving brother who wanted to help him. He turned to his friends and grinned.

"It doesn't matter. Let's just go. Anything that we can. C'mon!"

So Georgie and his friends, along with Sam carefully watching, went into the park joyfully having fun.

"Let's ride The Predator!" Ven suggested.

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