Chapter 12: Lost In The Fire

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Rest In Paradise

So, yeah. Everyone escaped Prufrock Prepatory School, and drove away, back to the Land of Departure.

But what happened with Ventus and the Quagmires when they were on top of the roof? Well, here's the story.

After they landed, Duncan and Isadora were shocked.

"Ven! How long have you been able to do that?" Isadora asked.

"As long as I've been wielding a keyblade." Ven replied.

"A keyblade? Duncan, did you know about this?"

The boy nodded his head sadly.

"Well, what is it? Some kind of weapon?"

"Yeah, it's also a key. It unlocks anything."

"Really?" Isadora was surprised, but she had dealt with crazy events for a while now, and she was used to it.

"But what are we going to do about Georgie?" Duncan asked, finally getting to the point.

They looked down and saw what was going on.

"Lil Wayne? What's he doing here?" Ven asked.

"Probably trying to protect us all." Duncan replied.

"Shh. I wanna hear what they're saying." Isadora demanded.

"Is that a bargain?" Count Olaf asked.

"No. It's a threat." Lil Wayne said with the gun in his hand.

He pulled the trigger, and the trunk door opened. Ven gasped.

They saw Principal Nero stroll out and yell at Olaf.

"Alright, it's our time. Get on."

Ven returned to his glider, and listened for his cue.

"Like I said, you can't prove that."

"But we can!" Ven yelled.

And you know the rest from there. Isadora and Georgie were kidnapped and taken by Count Olaf and his gang. Ven had a mental breakdown, and Duncan and Lil Wayne helped with it. Dwayne explained Xxxtentacion's death, and Terra and Aqua arrived with DJ Khaled and Bill.

And now they were driving down the road, back home.

"So, what do you think happened with Ven?" Aqua asked.

"I'm not sure. He looked really upset today. Like he was crying." Terra replied.

"Well maybe he was." Aqua suggested. "If your best friend was kidnapped and taken from you, wouldn't you be upset?"


"Guys, what about G-Georgie? Wouldn't he be upset?" Bill asked.

"He'd probably be more scared, don't you think?"

Bill nodded. "He's probably p-p-pretty scared."

But Georgie was more than "pretty scared". He was terrified. Not for himself, but for Terra, Aqua and Ven.

"You won't win." Georgie said as the bald man tied him to a post in Count Olaf's house.

"I just did."

"No, my friends will come. They'll save me, just like they have every other time."

He said this as if he was confident, but his confidence was wavering. All Count Olaf had to do was set a trap, and his friends would be captured.

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