Chapter 10: Captured (Part 2)

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Yeah, it happened again. Count Olaf pushed Ven into the already cramped trunk, and closed it to make it dark.

"We'll be back soon, you stay here." He said evilly.

Ven tried his hardest to open the trunk, but it was locked.

He sighed. "Why do we always reunite when being kidnapped?"

"I guess it just happens." Georgie replied.

"I'm still glad to see you again."

"Me too."

Meanwhile, Count Olaf returned as Coach Genghis to the office.

"Coach Genghis!" Principal Nero called.

"Yes, Principal?"

"Have you seen Ventus? He failed his test, and needs to see me."

"Sorry, I haven't seen him around."

"Oh, ok. I'll go check Ms. Judd's office."

So while Nero went back, and Olaf left to go check up on his prisoners, the Quagmires sat worried.

"He should be back by now." Isadora said, worried.

"Yeah, where is he?" Duncan inquired.

"Well, he went to the Principal's office. Wanna go check?"


As they approached the Principal's office and knocked on the door, there was strangely no answer.

They tried again, but there was no answer.

"Huh. That's weird." Duncan opened the door, and there was no one there.

The 2 "triplets" looked at each other.

"Count Olaf."

"Count Olaf!" Ven yelled as the trunk opened.

"Nope. Just me." The guy with the hooks said smiling.

"Uh, the boss wants to see you."

Ven's eyes widened. "Um, ok. C'mon, Georgie."

The henchman stopped them. "Only you." He grabbed Ven and walked away from the car.

"Ven!" Georgie cried.

"I'll come back for you!"

So the hook man dragged the boy away with him.

They came to Olaf, and the villain just stood there, grinning.

"Hee hee hi ho."

"What are you even saying?" Ven asked, annoyed.

"It's my evil laugh. Hi hi horticulture!"

"What do you want?"

Olaf leaned in. "I want you to tell me where your friend Terra is."


"Uh, so- I-"

"So you can steal his money?"

"Whoops. You caught me. How did you even know that?"

"Terra told me."

"What? How? They don't allow technology there."

"A teacher's Bluetooth headpiece."


"Why do you have Georgie?"

Olaf laughed. "Oh, him?" I was going to use him as bait for you to lead us to Terra, but that didn't work. I guess I'll just have to kidnap you alone."

He chuckled evilly. Ven didn't even flinch.

"I was kinda hoping you'd be intimidated by that."

"I wasn't."


Meanwhile, Terra "hid" inside his house calling DJ Khaled.

"Yo, Terra! Anything happen with ya boy Ven?"

"Well, not really. I mean, I've been hiding from Count Olaf. He's trying to steal my money."

"Your money? What is he, a robber?"

"I'm an orphan. And I'm of age. But I'm saving my money for when Ven gets back. I'm gonna give him a good life. One he deserves."

"And if Olaf steals your cash?"

"Then I'll get it back."

"Do you have a plan?"

"Not yet, but I will. And when I do have a plan, I'll call you."

"Aight. I'mma go watch Curious George with Asahd. See ya!"

Khaled hung up, and Terra got an idea. Georgie..... Georgie........ Georgie! Count Olaf had Georgie!

He called Bill immediately, and the boy answered.


"Bill! I think I have an idea of where Georgie is."

Back at the school, the Quagmires hurried to the outside track field.

"Look! A car." Duncan whispered.

"And one of Count Olaf's henchmen. He's guarding the car."

Isadora looked at her brother with an expression of worry and excitement.

"Do you think..."

"Ven's in there."

"We have to distract the guard. But how?"

They slowly crept up to the man with hooks for hands.

Duncan took one of Isadora's couplets that she wrote, crumpled it up, and threw it at the man.

He turned around. "Who's there?"

"Hello?" Isadora called.

The guard stopped. "Fiona?"

"Who's Fiona?" Duncan asked. But he was shushed as the guard ran toward Isadora. As soon as he saw her, she pushed him into the crate of running shoes nearby, and he fell unconscious.

The triplets went towards the car, and tried to open the trunk.

"It's locked. What do we do?"

It didn't take long for them to find the key to the trunk because Count Olaf had accidentally dropped it on the ground where the grass was painted white.

Duncan picked it up and unlocked the trunk. He did not find Ventus.

"Who are you?"

The boy looked up, scared. "Georgie."

"Wait a minute. You're Georgie, Ven's friend."

"You know Ven?" Georgie asked, starting to smile.

"Yeah. I'm Duncan Quagmire, and this is my sister Isadora. We're here to rescue you."

Georgie's smile turned to a frown. "Look out! They're coming!"

The Quagmires turned around.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

It was Count Olaf, dragging Ven with him.

814 words.

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