From the sides, Gouenji and Kidou couldn’t help but let out a smile. That Endou was at it again… Doing what he did best.

“Besides, I’m pretty sure that Fubuki isn’t someone who would go down with just some poisoning. He may not seem like it, but he’s one of the strongest people I know,” Endou stated reassuringly, his right hands forming a fist. “That’s why you don’t have to worry,”

For a moment, Alkaia had nothing to say. From the moment she was born, she had been raised to be a man-hater—a man hunter. Her ancestors had passed on horrible tales where women who ever interacted with males were forced to become slaves against their will and physically abused. Those who disobeyed were punished or even worse, put to death. Unconsciously, this must have led her to picture them as fearsome beasts who knew only how to hurt other people for their own needs and benefits. But as she continues to listen to this male—Endou Mamoru—speak, she couldn’t help but think how wrong she was at everything about guys.

Queen Alkaia smiled and nodded silently, in a grateful gesture.


The first thing he registered when he regained his consciousness was the soft sheet that he was laying on.

Where was he?

As he slowly opened his eyes, he could make out the hay-covered ceiling above him. It seemed like some sort of hut…Focusing his senses to the external surroundings, he could faintly make out the sound of a girl reprimanding someone in the far distance while there was some talking in the background.

He tried moving his hands. For some reason, they seemed weirdly sore and numb, every movement made was like trying to move in a pot of honey. Ughh… Gathering his strength, Fubuki began pushing himself up from the… hay?

“Good to see you finally up. How are you feeling?”

Fubuki turned to see Eric leaning by the wall beside him, a fruit in hand as he chewed. There was a slight awkward silence that followed. Fubuki hadn’t really spoken to Eric before so it was rather strange that the blonde had been the one looking over him while he was unconscious. He shook his head slightly to clear his thoughts. Thankfully, his memories were still very well intact and he recalled falling into a pit and almost being sacrificed to some Amazonian God before he lost consciousness.

“Fine, thanks… Though a bit dizzy,” He wasn’t lying. There was throbbing sensation and that feeling you had after going on a wild roller coaster ride in some amusement park. His mouth tasted unpleasantly bitter.

“Fubuki-kun! You’re awake!” Fuyuka’s voice was enough to draw everyone’s attention towards them. In a flash, he was suddenly surrounded and bombarded with all kinds of questions.

“Are you feeling alright?”      “Do you feel any pain?”     “WHAT’S ONE PLUS ONE?!”

Fubuki blinked blankly, dumbfounded.

“Guys, give him some space!” Everyone immediately spaced out.

“Fubuki-kun. Are you feeling better?” Hiroto asked once everyone quieted down. He nodded in response. His silver eyes then shifted to the Amazons who surprisingly not trying to castrate them with every given chance.

“Ahh.. Iro iro atta demo ima daijoubu da (A lot of things happened but everything is fine now)!” Endou exclaimed with a grin as if sensing the silverette’s confusion.

Souka (I see). You guys did it.

Fubuki let out a small smile but quickly wiped it off. No one saw it but Endou and he returned it with a full beam.

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