Part 7-One stormy night

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I felt her back tremble as she started to sob in my shirt  like a small child as worry , concern and panic clawed inside my brain.
She was completely drenched because of the heavy downpour and now was soaking me wet too, not that i cared about it , i was more worried about why was she here at this time and in a state like this?

Even though she couldn't speak but i could hear her broken sniffs as she tried to catch up to her breath in between.

Her sobs were stifled at first as she attempted to get ahold of herself.
"What happened?" I asked , i knew she couldn't hear but she had probably sensed the vibration from my throat because after that wave of emotions overcame her and she completely broke down crying. I continued to rub and caress her back with one hand while my other one tried to calm her down by massaging her hair .

I knew that she trusted me with her vulnerability..

But this was not the time to loose myself , i had to ask her the reason of her state

"Listen to me first, what happened? Why are you like this ? Why do you seem so scared and terrified?" I asked as i backed away from her breaking our hug.

'There is someone following me!" She said as her eyes displayed fear , eyelids rose above , lips quivered.

I quickly went out and looked around , but there was no one , the same silent road , the same trees standing by the road , the same flickering street lights that were almost about to fuse because of the rain.

Black clouds sprawled across the sky, their brassy glare draining colours of houses , trees and cars that stood-by,the gusting wind carrying the downpour in wild vortices one moment and in diagonal sheets the next.

Carefully scrutinising everything again, i came back inside closing the door shut

"There is nobody outside!" I exclaimed

'N0 , trust me there was and he was wearing the same mask!'she signed as dread appeared in her dilated pupils

"What?how is this possible? How can he be back, we clearly put him in jail!" To say i was worried, anxious would be an understatement , hell i was on pins and needles.

"Okay wait here!" I told her as i took out my phone and dialled to police station.

"Hello , the criminal who was caught 2 days ago , yes the mask one ? Was he possible released?" I asked

"No, he is still here."I heard the officer say on the other side of the call
"Oh ok." I cancelled the call

Getting back to y/n , i told her that the masked man was still in jail,as soon as i told her that i regretted telling her because that just made her even more scared.

"Its okay , don't be scared , no one is gonna hurt you, i am with you ok. You trust me right?" I spoke in an almost a whisper as i tugged her wet hair strand behind her ear.

She nodded

"Ohkay lets get you changed otherwise you ll fall sick." I told her as i pulled her in my room.

Ofcourse i had no woman clothes so i had to give her my own , so i decided to give her one of my shirt that i am sure would cover her up properly.

"Here you go.Change in it , i ll be outside" i told her as i handed her my shirt

She thanked me as i made my way out of the room.

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