Jimin rolled his eyes before sighing. "You better be right about that, because he would never accept you for who you are and you know that. Humans are dull creatures." He wrinkled his nose.

It was Taehyung's turn to roll his eyes before looking down at his best friend. "You've never even met a human, so how would you know that?"

Jimin shrugged as they started walking down the hallway towards the double doors at the front of the building. Taehyung took one more glance behind him to see that Jeongguk's gaze was already on the older, which caused him to quickly look away when he realized he had been caught. That made Taehyung smile before walking outside with his best friend talking endlessly beside him.


The older took out his keys, unlocking the door to his and Jimin's house. They stepped inside, sighing in relief that they were finally out of that place.

"Home sweet home!" Jimin exclaimed dramatically, a wide smile on his face as he practically fell onto the couch.

Taehyung made his way to the kitchen to get something to drink, leaving Jimin to himself.

He opened the door to the refrigerator, taking out the orange juice that was placed inside and grabbed a glass to pour it in. He drank the entire thing in one go, setting it down on the counter before making his way up the stairs to his room, leaving Jimin alone on the couch.

Taehyung decided a while ago that he would stop by the local coffee shop to check it out, but he had been so busy trying to catch up in school that he never had the time to do so. Well, today was the day he was finally going to see what all the fuss was about.

He slipped out of his shirt, replacing it with another and deciding to keep the rest of his attire. He grabbed a jacket, putting it on over the striped shirt he was wearing before walking out of his room.

He made his way down the steps, glancing over at the couch to see Jimin sound asleep. He was curled into a ball, cuddling a pillow close to him. Taehyung decided to write a quick note for his best friend, placing it under the bowl that was on the counter before heading out the door.

It was time to check out the town, since he was finally almost finished catching up on school work and because he's never taken the time to really see it before.


Taehyung stepped into the air conditioned cafe, the smell of coffee beans hitting him instantly. He made his way over to the front counter, looking up at the menu splayed across the wall.

"Hello, how may I help you?" A voice suddenly asked, causing Taehyung to look down to see a girl about the same age as him or maybe even younger.

"Uh," he started, his gaze moving back to the menu. "I'll have a french vanilla latte, please." He told her with a small smile.

She returned the gesture. "Coming right up. Go ahead and take a seat, I'll bring it to you when it's ready." She said in a soft voice.

He nodded, turning around towards the seating area, looking to see where he could sit before landing on a particular booth with someone already in it.

There he was, Jeon Jeongguk. He was drinking a cup of coffee while reading a book which didn't surprise the older in the slightest. He made his way over to the table, taking pleasure in the fact that he was alone.

"Hey you." Taehyung greeted as he slipped into the booth across from the younger with a wide smile.

Jeongguk instantly looked up from the book he was reading with a grin, knowing who it was right away just by the deep, velvety voice.

"Hi. What're you doing here?" The younger asked, taking another sip of his coffee.

Taehyung shrugged, tapping his fingers softly against the smooth wooden table, his smile never faltering as he gazed at Jeongguk. "I never really had the chance to take a tour of Busan before, so I'm doing it now. This cafe was my first stop, since everyone seems to enjoy it." He replied nonchalantly before looking out the window at all the passerbys.

"Yeah, it's the local hang out spot for all the teenage kids, I guess." Jeongguk said softly before adding, "Although, I enjoy it here because it's a nice place to be alone and read. No one ever bothers me."

Taehyung moved his gaze back to the younger in front of him, trying his best to read his features but failing miserably. "Oh, well.. do you want me to leave you be? I'm sorry if I've intruded in anyway." He said to the boy apologetically, his eyebrows furrowed in concern of ruining Jeongguk's peace and quiet.

"No, no! You're okay, I promise." Jeongguk replied, his doe eyes growing wider. He didn't mean for it to sound like he wanted Taehyung to leave. That was never his intention.

"Are you sure? Because I will go if that's what you want, Guk." The older told him, a small smile placed on his lips. He would leave to please the younger, but he somewhat wished that he wouldn't have to.

"I am one-hundred percent sure." Jeongguk replied, a wide smile brightening up his features and showing his bunny teeth. "I actually really enjoy your company."

"You do?" Taehyung asked, tilting his head to the side.

The younger chuckled softly, nodding his head. "Yes. I do. You're very peculiar, but I like that about you."

Taehyung smiled softly, his gaze never leaving Jeongguk's. He was about to reply but just then the same girl from the front counter showed up at their booth, handing the older his to-go cup.

"Here you are. I'm sorry it took so long, we're extremely busy today." She said in an apologetic tone.

Taehyung chuckled softly, looking up at the girl before shaking his head. "Don't worry about it. I got what I came for." He replied, side-glancing at Jeongguk who was back to reading his book.

The employee nodded before leaving the two alone again. Taehyung sighed softly, catching the youngers attention.

"Well, I'd better go." He said before adding with a smile, "But we should do this again sometime."

Jeongguk returned the gesture. "I wouldn't be opposed." He replied.

Taehyung's smile grew wider as he stood up from the booth, waving a quick goodbye to the boy before heading out of the coffee shop and towards his temporary home.

Jimin told him not to get attached to Jeon Jeongguk, but when did Taehyung ever listen to anyone?

The answer is never.


I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you all like it as well :)

Taehyung and Jungkook are getting closer and they're so cute please, my heart.

The next chapter will be in Jungkook's point of view again, but I really enjoyed writing in Taehyung's.

Leave me some feedback, if you will. I am really loving this book so far! I hope you all are enjoying it as much as I am <3

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