Horrible Father

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"I don't know, Capsicle." Tony sighed as he took a drink of his water after taking a break from working out, "I feel like I'd be a horrible father. I want to have a kid with Pepper but... what if I won't do a great job? I'm not really good with kids."

Steve was taken a back at Tony's words and as they sat down on the small couch inside the gym. He had to be kidding, there was no way that Tony was doubting himself now when it comes to parenting, right?

But yeah, he is. He really is.

"My dad did his best but I don't want my kid to grow up thinking I don't love nor care about them. I don't want them to go through the same thing I went through." Tony rubbed his face as he leaned back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling.

"Look, Tony. I don't see why you're doubting yourself right now. If only you could see how great you are with Pe--" Steve's words were cut short when Tony's phone went off in his pocket.

Stark lifted a finger up and fished his phone out of his pocket before answering it.

"Hey, kid." Tony answered the moment he heard the teen's voice through the phone, "Yeah. Yeah, I'll be there. Don't sweat it, Pete, it's fine. Yes, you're not keeping me away from important stuff. No, you're not a bother and I already cleared it with your Aunt so you can spend the week here. Yeah. Uh-huh. Okay, I'll be there in 20 mins so stay put. Alright, kiddo. Bye."

Tony hung up and put his phone back in the pocket of his sweatpants before looking back at Steve who had an amused look on his face but Tony didn't seem to notice.

"Yeah, I still feel like I'd be a horrible dad, Cap."


"Hi, Mr. Rogers, sir! How was your day?" Peter beamed once he went to the kitchen to see Steve making some sandwich. He turned around and smiled at young boy as he opened the cupboards to look for something to eat before patrolling.

Steve, just like the rest of the Avengers, was very fond of Peter and did their part on protecting the kid and guiding him as best as they could. But the one who really did most of that was Tony.

The super soldier rarely interacted with teenagers and he was quite disappointed to see a lot of them weren't as polite and respectful to elders unlike the ones he met back in the day. Nowadays, a lot of teens cared about the attention they get on social media whereas Peter didn't forget his manners at all. The kid would always ask how everyone's day went whenever he would engage in some sort of conversation with him and the others.

Peter was also kind-hearted, caring, helpful and also very smart. He was also very down to Earth. Despite the fact that he knew the Avengers and personally knew Tony Stark himself, he didn't go out to brag all that to people. Of course, there were times where Peter would be rebellious amd would snap every once in a while when he wasn't in the mood but all of them knew he didn't mean it. Other than that, Peter is a really good kid.

"Sit down, Queens, I'll make you something to eat." Steve offered, earning a cheery thanks from the kid as he sat down.

Eventually, Steve put a small plate of two sandwiches in front of Peter along with a glass of mango juice to wash it down. The soldier knew that Peter's a growing boy and with his enhanced ability, he knew that his metabolism works faster.

"Thank you, Mr. Rogers." said Peter who gladly munched down on his sandwich and hummed in delight at the taste.

"You're welcome, kid. And please, call me Steve. No need to be formal." Steve smiled and sat across Peter who gave him a shrug.

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