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This is based off from a fan art I saw on Instagram! And this one is pretty short.


Peter couldn't believe what he just heard. He knew Mr. Stark was extra but he didn't know he was this extra. Peter had to put his phone on silent, ignoring texts from the boss man himself and from Happy. He can't be bothered right now especially when he needs to catch up on his Spanish class. Soon enough, by the time class finished and he finished Decathlon practice, Peter saw Happy waiting for him outside the campus.

"Hey, kid. We've been trying to get a hold of you all day and you didn't answer." Happy started but Peter wasn't having it.

"Yeah, I was trying to focus in class, is that bad?" Happy didn't say anything and instead, just let Peter hop inside the car before closing it. He doesn't know why Peter is sad and it confused him because he should be happy today.

By the time they got to the tower, Peter mumbled a thanks to happy and waved hello to the receptionist. Peter sighed when he heard FRIDAY's voice.

"Peter Parker, Clearance level: Alpha. Welcome back, Mr. Parker. Shall I inform boss of your arrival?" FRIDAY asked making Peter sigh as he nodded his head.

"Yes please, FRIDAY. Thank you." He said, ignoring the looks he got from the other people inside the elevator.

When Peter got to Tony's lab, he saw him tinkering as usual with a new upgraded suit.

"Oh, Peter. Hey, kid, you're just in time to help me with my new suit. By the way you have a meeting today with those board members." Tony spoke, completely not seeing Peter's reaction.

"Mr. Stark." Peter started as he took a deep breath to calm himself down, "I specifically told you that I just wanted McDonald's."

Tony looked up from what he was doing and saw the distressed look on Peter's face as he slowly walked over to him, stopping as he stood in front of the boy.

"And I got you McDonald's like you told me to. Happy informed me you seem to be in a foul mood today. What's up?"

"Mr. Stark, not that I'm ungrateful or anything but when I told you I wanted McDonald's, I meant food." Peter took a deep breath before he finally let his feelings out.

"Not the whole company!" He exclaimed, causing Tony to jump a bit.

"Oh is that what you meant?" Tony asked and crossed his arms, "You should've been clearer and also, watch your tone. I'm still the adult here."

Peter sighed and nodded slowly, "Yes, sir, I'm sorry but... a whole company? I just wanted cheeseburgers."

Tony clapped his hand on Peter's shoulder before smiling.

"Well that's okay, kid. At least now you'll get to experience what it's like to run a company and it's good practice. And also, get us both some cheeseburgers yeah? And some fries, kid. I'm starving." Tony smiled before making his way back to the suit, completely ignoring Peter's cries to take the company back to its former CEO.



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