Movie Adaptation

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"So, you're having-"




"And it's confirmed?"


Peter paused to let the information sink in as he sat down on the sofa, watching Mr. Stark scroll onto his Stark Pad completely nonchalant about the news.

"There's going to be a movie about you?" Peter asked once again to which Tony shrugged.

"Yeah, kid. Can't tell you how many times I'll say yes." He answered.

Peter looked at him in disbelief and suddenly, his eyes lit up and started to bounce on the couch causing Tony to jump a bit and look at him. Peter looked like an excited little puppy.

"When's it gonna be released?"

"It's still yet to be decided."

"Do you get to play as yourself?"

Tony snorted and shook his head, "No, kid, that'll be too narcissistic of me."

It was Peter's turn to snort and Tony threw him a look, causing the teen to stop laughing before he could.

"No, I'm not playing as myself. I'll just be there to supervise if the scenes are accurate and some of them will be filmed here for accuracy. I let them have permission to use some parts of my old suit." Tony explained as he turned his Stark Pad towards Peter, "This is the guy that's going to be portraying me."

Peter gasped and slowly took the tablet from him.

"Robert Downey Jr.?! He's amazing! Have you seen his movie Chaplin?" Peter beamed, "I'm surprised he hasn't won an Oscar yet."

Tony nodded in agreement, "Guy's great. Completely turned his life around, thank God. But due to his past, the staff doesn't want to hire him and is a bit skeptical of the idea. The director's still fighting for him to get the role and I'm vouching alongside him. They're gonna do a screen test on him next week."

Peter nodded slowly and looked down at the tablet and then back at Mr. Stark.

"You two look oddly alike though. You could be twins." said the teen as he held up the tablet that showed a picture of the actor right next to Tony's face, "He just needs a goatee and he's good to go."

"Who's more attractive is the question."

Peter pondered for a bit and shifted his gaze from the tablet to Tony's face.

"You're awesome, Mr. Stark, but I gotta say that RDJ takes the place." He answered but before Tony could even get a say, someone spoke.

"I agree with Pete. Robert ages like fine wine." Pepper added as Tony looked at her in horror, snatching the tab from Peter's hand but still held it next to his face.

"We literally look alike, Pep!" Tony gestured to the picture and his face.

Pepper giggled and walked over to the two men. Ruffling Peter's hair and pressing a kiss on Tony's forehead before walking passed them to the kitchen while Tony stood up from the couch and followed her, explaining why he's much more handsome than Robert Downey Jr.

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