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Peter loved his parents more than himself and he cherishes them more than his own life. So when they decided to get a divorce due to a huge misunderstanding about the Accords, Peter was devastated. He cried for days and didn't understand why the Accords had the power to break the bond his parents had. But Peter was smart. He knew something else could've broken Tony and Steve up. And he was determined to find out.

But for now, Peter was worried about Tony's well-being. He knew Tony went to Siberia but he didn't know exactly why he was there. But his heart broke into two when he saw just how beaten up and defeated Tony looked. Usually when this happens, Tony still manages to crack jokes and act like nothing happened but this was different. He had a dead look in his eyes and he was clench his good hand until his knuckles turned white. Something was wrong.

When Tony was finally okay to be moved to his room, Happy and Peter helped him up until they settled him down onto his bed. Happy left them alone so they could have privacy after Peter tucked his father in. Maybe he should stay in his room just in case he gets nightmares.

"Pete." Tony spoke for the first time since he got here. Peter looked up immediately and sat down on the edge of the bed but Tony patted the spot next to him and Peter moved closer as he sat there and faced him like so.

"You do know I love you, right? And that I would do anything for you?" Tony asked earning a nod from Peter causing him to smile a bit but it soon faltered, "You do know I always try my best, right?"

Another nod from Peter.

"Good. That's good. Because the last thing I want is to be a bad father to you." Tony took a deep breath and paused for a moment before he continued, "I tried to get your father back. To get him to come back home to us."

Peter suddenly perked up and took interest in this news.

"I went to a Hydra base in Siberia because I found out that someone framed James Barnes so I had to go there to inform your father and him." Tony began to explain as Peter listened intently, the name Barnes had struck a sense of familiarity with Peter since Steve mentioned him in one of his stories.

"But I found out something that I couldn't quite understand why your father kept it from me. Safe to say that the truce we made quickly evaporated." Tony took a deep breath and tried his best to ignore the tears that were welling up in his eyes, "I found out that Barnes killed my parents when he was under the brainwashing of Hydra. And Steve kept that from me."

Peter couldn't help but gasp. He knew that Tony lost his parents at a young age and although he never really talked about it, he could sense how much he missed them. The boy couldn't help but grasp the bedsheets in his hands as anger coursed through his body but he knew he had to hear the rest of his father's story.

"I knew it wasn't entirely his fault. And if he wasn't brainwashed he wouldn't have killed them. But still, their blood is on his hands." Tony continued, "So I was mad and fought the both of them. Of course, they wouldn't back down from a fight and you know how your Papa is. He could do that all day. After all that, he left with Barnes and left his shield to me. That's why I've been gone for quite some time."

Peter didn't notice that he was crying when Tony wiped his tears away. He couldn't believe what he was hearing but he knew his dad wouldn't make this up and lie just because of the Accords. Steve Rogers. Captain America. His hero. Or at least he was. Peter was so angry, devastated and disappointed. All his life he was certain his Papa and Dad would always stick together no matter what. That Steve would never dare hurt Tony. But he was wrong. And instead, he chose his side piece instead of his own family. How was he able to sleep at night so peacefully knowing he was keeping something so big from his husband? Peter was disgusted.

The kid couldn't find what words to say. So instead, he hugged Tony and silently cried with his father. Knowing that from now on, it was just the two of them against everything. Peter will protect Tony from getting hurt this time. Even if it means to protect him from his other father. Peter wasn't sure anymore whether he'd still look at Steve as his dad.



Words cannot describe how much I miss you. There was not a day I didn't think about you and how I wish I was there with you right now. I miss your jokes and pop culture references. The place I'm currently staying at with your Aunt Tasha is too quiet and big. It makes me miss your constant chatter and bickering with your Dad. I've showed your photo to Bucky and told stories about you to him before I left him in Wakanda under the King T'Challa's care. He said you're a good kid and that he saw me in you when I was in the army. I'm so sorry, Pete. For everything. I know you won't understand where I'm coming through right now and I don't expect you to. I know you're mad at me and anyone would be too. I hope you know I love your father. But maybe this is what's best for us. I don't wanna hurt the both of you, I already did that enough by keeping the truth from Tony and you.

Take care of yourself, son. For Tony's sake. And for mine. If you ever need me, just give me a call. Your father has my number. I will always think of you, Peter. And I love you more than anything.


Peter angrily threw the paper across the room as tears streamed down his face. How dare he? How fucking dare he?

A half-hearted laugh escaped from Peter's lips as he remembers how he looks up at Steve. And how he was one of his biggest inspirations in life and how he thought Steve was this perfect man who hardly ever did mistakes. But Peter guessed it was different now.

But Tony heard every sob that left Peter's lips and he hated how he was so affected by this. Would things be different if he was a better man? Would Peter not end up like this?

He wished he had the answer but unfortunately, Tony didn't. And hated himself for it.

It went on like that for a few years while Steve was gone. Peter somehow got used to just being him and Tony. Of course, the divorce caused haywire with the media especially when he was at school and he hated every second of it. No one dared to ask him a question about it but he could feel their sorry looks and he didn't want that. However, Peter was kind of thankful Steve didn't send anymore letters after that. He wasn't sure if he could handle more of them.

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