In Disguise

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This was the first mission Peter had with Tony and to say he was hyped was an understatement. But despite his excitement, he had to control himself since he didn't want to fail his mentor much less any of the Avengers.

"Everyone in places? Pete?" Steve spoke through the ear comms.

"Yeah. All ready and set, Cap." Peter replied as he felt Mr. Stark putting his hand on his shoulder to keep him close as they walked through the busy mall.

"Okay, kid. We just need to go and find somewhere to stick this thing in, find the location and then copy all the files." said Tony as he waved the USB drive in his hand. Peter nodded and soon found an Apple store, knowing they'd have laptops there.

"Mr. Stark." Peter pointed to the store and Tony gave a nod before speaking through the ear piece.

"On our way to get the files ready, Cap."

The store was rather packed due to a new release of a product which caused Tony to scoff as he covered Peter while he was busy handling with the file. Good thing there was free Wi-Fi inside the mall.

"Found it." Peter muttered, making sure it was loud enough for Tony to hear. He looked down and saw that Peter successfully traced the location they've been trying to trace for weeks. He smiled and ruffled the kid's hair.

"Nice work, kid. Now just copy all the files that they have. I'm pretty sure they have it all digitalized." Tony scanned the room, making sure no one would spot them using the laptop without permission, rolling his eyes in the process as he heard people gush about the new product.

"Pretty sure the new StarkPhone will be better than whatever they're excited about." He said, mostly to himself before looking down at Peter's work seeing that the file is at 24% before it completes the copying process.

When the process was complete, Tony spotted a familiar face. Someone who had tried to sneak into the Compound to get information and weapons. Tapping Peter's shoulder, he whispered.

"Stay here, kid. Keep the USB safe." Peter nodded and watched as Mr. Stark disappeared into the crowd.

After a few minutes of trying to converse with the seller to seem less suspicious and pretending to look around, Tony still hasn't returned and Peter was pretty sure he lost him. Making his way out of the store, he spoke through the ear piece.

"Anyone have their eyes on Mr. Stark?"

"Shouldn't he be with you?" Steve replied.

"Yeah, but I think he went to go chase someone. It's been 15 minutes." Peter said as he looked through the crowd, completely losing sight of Tony's disguise causing him to sigh.

"Find him. He won't be too far. You have the drive with you?" Natasha asked.

"All safe with me, Ma'am. Found the location too and their files and they're definitely doing some pretty dirty work. I'm surprised they got passed under your noses so easily." Peter heard chuckling on the other line.

"Great job, Queens. Now find Tony so we can meet the others and plan for the attack."

Peter nodded and kept looking through the crowd but didn't have any luck. He did spot Steve and Natasha not too far away and he was sure Steve saw him since he tapped his watch telling him to hurry up.

The teen sighed deeply and stuffed his hands in the pocket of his jeans.

He didn't want to do this but he had no choice.

Now or never, Pete. He thought to himself.

"The Avengers suck!" He yelled, causing a lot of people to look at him and freeze for a moment, "And Spider-Man's a big fucking loser!"

"What the fuck did you just say?!" Tony's voice rang out as his head popped up through the crowd as Peter finally spotted him while he looked for the person saying such preposterous comments.

"I'll have you know that they saved the whole entire universe and Spider-Man is the greatest hero of all-- Oh kid, it's just you." Tony soon stopped in front of the kid who looked at him in shock but soon turned into a grin.

"Were you the one who yelled that?" Peter nodded and smiled sheepishly.

"I couldn't find you, I thought you got kidnapped or something."

Tony laughed as the smile met his eyes as he walked away from the crowd with Peter with his hand on his shoulder as they made their way to Steve and Natasha.

"I swear, he's Tony's son." Steve muttered, almost convinced that what he said is true.

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