Tiny Little Spider

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Hello! This includes Baby!Peter and Stony because why not I ship Stony, sue me. In this oneshot, Peter is bitten by the radioactive spider at the age of 4 just to give you all a little heads up.


Tony never thought he'd be a father one day. He actually feared of becoming one due to the fact he might not be a good one and end up just like Howard. But the moment Tony and Steve adopted Peter, Tony knew he was done for and would do anything and everything to keep little Peter safe and away from all harm. But on one fateful day, Tony just wanted to jump out of the building without a suit the moment he found out the cause of Peter's high fever.

"Is there a cure for this, FRIDAY?" Tony asked as he let FRIDAY go through the tests after he requested one of the doctors for Peter's recent DNA sample after they got back from the med bay.

"I'm afraid not, boss. It seems that Peter's DNA is renewing according to the spider bite he had that's why he's having a fever. I have calculated that he'll be better by tomorrow." FRIDAY replied and Tony rubbed his face before pinching the bridge of his nose.

Steve was going to kill him once he got back from his mission with Bucky and Sam. He hadn't told his husband what happened just yet and he didn't know how but he was sure Steve would lose his shit. Looking at the other hologram, he watched as Peter slept peacefully for the first time since yesterday. The poor kid couldn't eat let alone sleep because of the bite.

"Tell me more about the bite, FRIDAY." Tony leaned back against his chair and let the AI show him graphics of Peter's DNA that was now being reconstructed with new molecules that the bite provided.

"It seems that Peter's senses would be heightened, boss. Including sight, smell and hearing. Due to the spider being radioactive he might also have increased strength compared to the strength of an average human being. It will increase as he grows. Spider senses, the ability to climb walls and ceilings and he can even produce webs and have super healing. Basically, he can do and experience some of the things that spiders can but mixed with super human abilities."

Tony couldn't believe what he was hearing. The kid was just 4 years old and now he suddenly had superpowers and it occured under his watch, how could he be so stupid? Peter should grow up with a normal childhood not be confused on why he's different than other children. This was all his fault. If he hadn't taken Peter to Oscorp he wouldn't have gone bitten by a stupid spider that got lose. Should he sue Oscorp for poor handling of their experiments? Tony didn't know. All he knows is that he had to explain things to Peter and Steve once he gets his head clear.

When he heard whimpers and cries from the other monitor, Tony got up from his chair and went out of his lab to check on Peter who was now crying because he threw up all over his bed.


"Remember what we practiced, bud? No climbing on ceilings, okay? No shooting webs or lifting heavy objects. We don't wanna worry Pops now, do we?" Peter giggled and shook his head as he hugged his teddy bear, Milo.

Tony had a bad feeling about this. This was the day Steve was going home and it didn't help that the others were stopping by as well. For the 2 weeks, Peter had been so amused and interested about his new profound abilities and couldn't help but run around the ceiling, shoot webs everywhere and run on the walls and ceilings some more. Tony hardly kept up with his kid.

He was never a fan of cleaning but he had to. He made it a point that no sign of footprints and webbings could be found in the house. Nobody knew this but him, Peter and FRIDAY. He never had the guts to tell Pepper and Rhodey and had to cover up whenever they visited or tried to help claiming that Tony had it "all under control."

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