Chapter 5

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Another short one! Next chapter will be longer I promise. Ily


Enjoy :)

Camila's POV

"I feel like shit."

"Yeah you look like shit too."

My eyes flicker up to Dinah's amused ones and I flip her off, only causing her to chuckle and shake her head.

"You're a dumbass," She spoke wiping down the counter from behind the bar. "You know that, right?"

"Ugh," I groan pressing my forehead against the rim of my glass. "I know, you don't have to remind me. And you're seriously not helping by the way."

"What do you want me to help you with? You seem to be doing a pretty good job."

I frowned looking up, she had a serious look on her face but that only lasted 2 seconds before she broke into a wide grin and let out a loud laugh.

"Dinah! Be serious," I whined reaching over the counter and grab her arm.

She sighed loudly and looked around to make sure there weren't any customers that needed help before setting down the towel and stood in front of me.

"Seriously, Mila. You're dumb as hell for saying that to her. 'My number is still the same if you wanna text me and catch up' do you really think she wants to catch up? After everything that happened? Be serious."

I groaned closing my eyes and slapping myself in the forehead. I rubbed my face with both hands trying to calm my nerves after everything that happened this morning.

Seeing Lauren again definitely threw me in for a loop. I wasn't expecting to see her ever again after how we ended things... after I ended things. All the emotions I buried all those years ago suddenly surfaced after she walked out of the classroom. I stood there looking so stupid until the bell rang pulling me back into reality and I had to spend the rest of the day with her on my mind while trying to teach a class full of first graders.

Lauren, the girl I loved so much and the same girl whose heart I broke in such a terrible way.

I should've known I'd see her again, especially after the encounter I had with her best friend and the person I considered my friend once too.


Two weeks ago she came into my classroom with the principle and to say I was surprised, would be an understatement. Right as Mr. Worth dismissed himself, she turned around and slapped me so hard across the face and cursed me out. I deserved it, I know I did and that's why I didn't say anything or fight back.

I should've known I'd see Lauren again, I knew I would but I did what I had done 6 years ago, buried the emotions. Buried Lauren and pushed thoughts of her into the back of mind, not wanting to open the door to every memory I have of her.

The butterflies and every other emotion she made me feel when I was 17 came back just at the thought of her and they wouldn't go away. They surfaced once before when I was 19 and I spent a week in my college dorm under my covers refusing to leave. The only times I would get up were for food, water and to use the bathroom. It took me awhile to get over it and that was when I closed the door and locked it with all memories of Lauren securely behind it.

But seeing her again opened that door, it was as if it had been bulldozed down and thrown into a wood chipper. Every emotion I buried has rushed to the surface and now I have to face it.

We're Not Who We Used To Be (Camren)  ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now