Ch. 8: Hospital

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I was pacing back and forth in the hallway. Slade had to have his arm that was broken put back in place. He looked so bad. But the doctor said he would be okay. All except the arm.
"Honey, if you don't stop going back and forth, you will put a hole in the floor." The nurse behind the desk looked up at me.
I stopped and look at her. "I'm sorry. Do people usually pace this much?"
She chuckled. "It's okay dear. Did the doctors say he will be okay?"
I shook my head yes. "Then sit and relax. Can I get you coffee or anything?"
I sat down running my hands up and down my thighs. "Yes. Coffee, please."
She smiled and walked off. I sat there, arms folded and my legs bouncing. How long does it take to put a broken bone back and cast on?
"Sloane." I looked up to find my dad and everyone behind him.
I got up and threw my arms around him. "He's okay. Just having to reset a bone and cast it."
"I know you are scared. What happened?" Dad hugged me tight.
I let go of him and looked at everyone behind him. "We should all go to the waiting room to talk."
After everyone was in the room. I shut the door, all eyes on me. "He said a branch fell in front of him. Like it came out of nowhere."
"How does a branch just fall out of nowhere?" Zig and Ziv were standing like bodyguards, ready to pounce.
I scratched my forehead, not sure myself. "I don't know. He just said it came out of nowhere."
Jason was standing by my dad. "Well, we did know that people would be after you and Slade if you got together."
Dad grunted. "Why can't they just leave our kind alone? We are no harm to anyone. Ourselves, sure. But others, no."
That made the twins chuckled. I shot them a look. "Either way, after us or not. We must figure out who it is? Is it more than one person? Or is it more than one coven, fleet, or both?"
Grace stood up. "Bodhi, Jett, and the twins will go with me to where he wrecked. Maybe we can find something."
They all scurried out the door. I looked back to the others left in the room. "Why are the younglings here?"
"We were training them when Wren called and said what happened. We all kind of piled into cars and rushed over." Zeke was sitting there with Frankie on his arm.
"Well, if you guys want to leave to keep training then go. I have everything here. Wren can stay with me. Dad can stay too." I looked at dad and Wren, hoping they would stay.
Jason nodded. "All right, then young ones, let's go. Let me know how he is. We are here if you need us, Sloane."
"Thank you, all of you." I hugged them as they went out the door.
I sat down by Wren. "Everything is going to be okay Sloane."
"Yeah. People just need to leave us alone. We aren't harming anyone." I looked over at dad, who was silent.
Dad jumped up. "I'm going to go find coffee. Anyone want anything?"
"Yeah, I asked the nurse for coffee, but she hasn't come around with it." I tried smiling.
Dad gave a sincere smile. "I will be right back."
I was sitting there with Wren, not saying anything. I wanted to find who done this to Slade. I wanted people to stop trying to hurt us just because we are different.
The door opened, and I looked up. It was the doctor. I stood up quickly. "Is he okay?"
"Yes, he is asking for you. So, if you will, follow me." The doctor turned around and went down the hall.
I pulled Wren along with me. I know she just showed up to town, but I trusted her. I trusted everyone around me. But I trusted her a lot.
The doctor opened the door to the hospital room. Slade was asleep. "Now, when he wakes up he will be a bit groggy. But other than that, bruises, and the cast; he is okay."
"Thank you." I pulled up a chair beside his bed. He was bruised on his face and I'm sure in other places. I was just glad he was okay.
Wren sat near the window. She hadn't said anything since we left the waiting room. I looked back at her. She was staring out of the window.
"Are you okay?" I propped myself up on my hand.
She looked over at me. "Yeah, I just don't really like hospitals. How are you holding up?"
"I'm good now that I am in here. I was just worried about him." I looked back to Slade.
He looked so peaceful. I was happy that he was okay. I was so scared. I looked back to Wren. She kept staring out the window.
"Wren." I got up. I walked around to the other side of the hospital bed.
She looked over to me. "Yeah, Sloane."
I looked at Slade. He was in a hospital bed. It could have been worse.
I looked back to her. "I need to go to the elders. All of them."

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