Ch. 4: Happy & Not So Happy

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"So, I called my aunt and asked her where we should go to see everyone." Slade slowed down driving along the long road into Appleberry.
I didn't even have to look at him to know where that place would be. "Let me guess, the Alderman's."
"Yeah, she said everyone would be there." Slade sounded nervous as I felt.
"You do know when I get there, there will be scolding and tears of happiness. It will be a mess of emotions." I ran my hands over my tired face.
Slade shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, I figured. If you need any back up, I've got you."
He looked over and gave me a genuine smile. "Thanks. I will probably need it."
I got out of the car and stood there looking at the Alderman's house. I didn't want to go in. I didn't want to have to face any of them. I felt guilt but still confused. I just wanted to run. I always run. You'd think it'd be my sister on the run. She is a track runner after all but no. It was me who ran away all the time.
Slade came over standing in front of me taking my hands in his. "You can do this Sloane. I know it will be hard facing them, but I will be right here."
I nodded and heard the door to the Alderman's house open. "Are you coming in or staying out there?"
It was one of the twins. "Coming!"
I let go of Slade's hands and walked off to the house. Ziv and Zig were standing by the stair case. "About time you're back."
They both swept me into a bear hug. "Hey guys. Miss, you too."
They let me down and looked at Slade. "Slade."
"Zig, Ziv. Hey." Slade was still at the door.
I looked between them. "Okay, put the testosterone away guys. If you have beef, let it all go."
All three of them nodded. "Now, let's go get this over with. I am sure I have some lectures coming my way, some scorning, and anything else they can throw my way."
I walked to the study. They were all standing around whispering. When I walked in, they stopped and stared at me. It was Frankie who ran over to me and gave me a hug.
"I am so glad you are okay." She was tearing up.
I grimaced. "I'm all good. You don't have to worry anymore."
Phoenix was standing behind her waiting patiently. I let go of Franks and went to stand in front of him. "Hey."
"Hey." He smiled.
He put his hands on either side of my face. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I am fine. Everything is okay." I lied through my teeth.
Everything I guess was okay. But I felt like there was going to be a shift. I don't know what kind. I could just feel it in my bones.
Dad came over and stood in front of me. "I'm glad you are okay, but you are grounded until you turn fifty."
I snickered and gave dad a hug. "Okay, I am fine with that."
I looked over dad's shoulder finding Grace smiling at me. She was happy to have me home. Everyone seemed like they were happy to have me home except two. Bowie and Gwendolyn.
I guess after me just leaving on the spot like I did upset them, or they just came to taunt me. Maybe both. But in a way, I didn't care. I was surprised to even see them at Alderman's.
"So, now that we have gotten the hello's and how everyone is doing, we need to talk." Jason clapped his hands together and sat at his desk.
I sat on the couch between Slade and Phoenix. Jason cleared his throat. "It is nice to see you back and okay Sloane."
"Thanks, Jason." I smiled as genuine as I could.
He went from a smile to a flat line on his face. "It is good we are finally all back together. There is some news."
"What news?" I asked.
"The elders on both the fleet and the covens. They don't like that you and Phoenix are together. They know that your father wants you two to get married." I felt Slade tense up beside me while Phoenix grabbed my hand and smiled at me.
"And?" I tried to not pay attention to the testosterone.
Jason put his hands together. "And, they don't want that to happen and if it does happen they either want to kill you or him, maybe even both. Or they want you to have an operation where you can't have kids."
I stood up furious. "Excuse me? It's my body. I am only eighteen. They can't tell me what I can or cannot do with my body. If I want kids, then I should be able to have them. If Phoenix and I do get married, it will be after college or university. Why are they so afraid?"
Jason stood up from his seat and walked around to the front of his desk. "Your family and the Appleberry's are two most powerful covens in the whole blood line of covens. You are also part wolf and you can transform. If you two have a kid or kids, they will get every gene you two have. Making them the most powerful kids within covens and the fleets. They don't want anyone more powerful than them."
"This is all bullshit." I snarled.
I heard Slade snicker. I wasn't about to let anyone tell me what I can or can't do with my body. I knew I couldn't run again. I knew I wanted the truth even if that means it hurts. I ran once but I wouldn't do it again.
I was looking out the study window. The snow was falling on the already filled white ground. I could smell it. It smelt fresh and clean. It was beautiful. The back-yard lights were shining on it just right making it sparkle.
I turned around seeing everyone staring at me. I was sure they were wondering what I was thinking about. Even though I was just going through a nostalgia.
"We broke the curse when Phoenix and I bonded, right?" I looked to Jason.
"Yes." He nodded.
I crossed my arms. "What did the curse say word for word? That I had to fall for him and it would break the curse. Which happened. But what if things change."
Jason nodded again. "What are you getting at Sloane?"
I looked over at Phoenix and to Slade then everyone else. "It never said we had to stay together."
The tears were pricking my eyes. I didn't want to hurt anyone but that is the only thing I knew to keep everyone safe. To keep Phoenix and myself safe.
Phoenix jumped up. "No. We just got together and then you left for two months Sloane. We haven't been together, really. Now, you just want to throw it away because of what the elders say."
"That's the only thing I can think of Phoenix. It will keep everyone alive. Because if we do this, everyone is going to want to protect us and they would end up in the line of fire and then they would still come after us." Silent tears ran down my cheeks.
Phoenix walked over to me. Standing close enough only so I could hear him speak. "Sloane, everyone in this room is okay with us being together. They would protect us, we would protect them. We can be together. I want to be together."
"I don't want people to get hurt." I whispered.
Phoenix put a hand on either side of my face. "Being together or not, people are always going to get hurt."
"I guess you're right. We will try. I do like you Phoenix, I want things to work." I smiled up at him.
He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Then we will try."
I walked around him. "Is everyone okay with Phoenix and I trying? Because you guys will have to be in the line of fire."
Everyone shook their heads yes. The twins came over and put their arm around me. "We've got your back alpha."
"Thanks." I looked over to Slade. He was standing up against the wall by the door of the study.
Everyone had gone back to what they were doing. Frankie was with Zeke reading about some family history. The twins were messing around. Bodhi and Jett were talking about something. Bowie and Gwendolyn were swapping spit. Dad, Grace, and Phoenix were talking to Jason.
I watched Slade sneak out of the study. I went to follow him out when Bodhi caught my arm. "Sloane, wait."
I stopped. "Yeah?"
"I am glad you are back. We all are. We were so worried. It was nice of Slade to take care of you." She was searching my face like I was hiding something.
"Yeah, it was. He has been nice and supportive through all of it. He didn't have to be either since he doesn't even know me." I put my hand on the door handle.
Bodhi looked like she wanted to say something. "What is it Bodhi? Tell me. Give me the truth."
She sighed. "Just be careful Sloane. I know you are with Phoenix but Slade, he gets hurt easily. If you were to break his heart, he would be devastated."
"What about Phoenix? Would he be devastated if I were to tell him I didn't want to be with him?" I was screwed once again in the love department.
Bodhi shook her head. "Honestly, I don't think so. He would be hurt. But he is one that just wants you to be happy. Slade won't say he wants you to be happy, but he does but he would lose it."
"Bodhi, he doesn't even like me. Slade was very sweet during my stay in Montana. But other than that, we are friends." I twisted the handle.
Before I walked out to find Slade. Bodhi told me to be careful either way. I went outside to see if Slade was anywhere around. He wasn't at the car.
I walked around the house to the back. He was standing at the wood line. He was just looking out through the woods.
I came and stood beside him. "You okay?"
"Yeah." Slade didn't even look my way.
"Slade, I know we haven't known one another but for a couple of days. Though I feel like we have been friends forever. I don't want anything getting in the way of that." I put my hand on his arm.
He didn't flinch away but stood there like a statue. "Honestly I don't think you should be with him. Maybe it's because I fell for you before I ever met you. Maybe it's because I fell you when I saw you at the bar. But either way, I have those feelings. I can't just shut them off."
Slade finally looked at me. "Thank you, Slade. Out of everyone you are honestly blunt. You don't hide anything or keep things from me. I am sorry if us being friends can't be enough."
He smiled. "I will always stay your friend Sloane. I told you I've got your back. I will just always have those feelings there too."
"You could end up meeting someone else. They would sweep you off your feet." I gave him a cheesy grin.
Slade smirked. "I don't think so Ashby."
I wrapped my arm within his and laid my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry."
He placed a kiss on my head. "It's okay."
"Think we should go back in before every gets worried or thinks we ran off." I pulled him along.
Once we were back in the study we sat down on the couch. Everyone was still doing the same thing when I had gone out to find Slade. It was all work with everyone now. Trying to figure out how to protect Phoenix and me. Though Bowie and Gwendolyn really didn't care. They were neutrals. They were allies.
"You know when you think a lot, you get this little vein that pops out on your forehead and neck." Slade was poking my face and neck.
I slapped him away. "I do not. You are lying."
Slade grinned. "It's all going to be okay."
I crossed my arms looking at him. "How do you know? Can you see the future?"
"No, I just get these feelings. It will be okay. Everyone has your back. They know you have theirs. You guys are a strong group. Nothing can take that down." Slade nudged me. I pushed back laughed.
Bodhi went over and stood by Phoenix. "Are you doing okay?"
"Should I be worried about them two? Should I be worried about Sloane and me?" Phoenix looked back at Slade and Sloane talking.
Bodhi followed his gaze. "You want the truth or half of the truth?"
Phoenix looked at Bodhi. "The truth. I know it will hurt but that is what I want."
"Okay, then I would be careful. Slade has had feelings for her since he learned about her and saw her picture. You didn't even know much about her until she came into town. You knew she was in the history of the covens and everything, but you also knew that you were supposed to hate her. Which made things conflicting. Slade didn't have to hate her, so he let out every emotion. Then meeting her, made those feelings real. They get along and seem close for the short amount of time they have known each other. That is the truth." Bodhi rushed.
Phoenix raised his eyebrows. "You could have taken a breath between all of that."
"Sorry." Bodhi patted his back.
Phoenix chuckled and shook his head. "It's fine. I told you to tell me the truth. Brutal, but it was the truth."
"You don't think she will stay with you, do you?" Bodhi looked concerned.
Phoenix wrote a smiley face on the window. "No, but that is okay. The thing I worry about is what if her and Slade do get together. The elders want us dead, just think about if those two get together. Powerful witch blood and both are part wolf. The elders would want a blood bath."
Bodhi gulped. "I know. I was trying not to think about that, but I know it would be a blood bath."
They both looked back at Slade and Sloane. If those two got together, it would be worse. The elders would defiantly try and get to them to kill them before anything happens. No one wanted to see that happen with them or Sloane and Phoenix.

Appleberry(Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora