Lover's Valley (S)

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"Woah there Carina." You coaxed. Carina was your beautiful, black Friesian horse. You'd just come back from a nice hack and were approaching the stables. As you were entering the paddock area, the sable hand, Shiro, approached you and Carina, taking the reigns in his hand. "Have a nice hack?" He asked with a smile. "It was lovely, we went up by the mountain pass and stayed along the river, I'm saving the pass for when I go with a friend."

Shiro simply nodded as you dismounted. "Can you give her some extra oats? She doesn't seem to be performing as well. I'm wondering if maybe she's not being fed enough?" You asked. He nodded, "Yeah, I'll be sure to keep an eye on her for you." "Thanks Shiro." You both shared a smile as he led Carina away to her stall.

You spent some time in the tack room, putting up your helmet and riding jacket into your personal cubby. You grabbed a change of clothes and went to head to the bathroom when you were stopped by Allura. "Oh, (f/n) how good it is to see you." She smiled. You mentally rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. "What do you want Allura?"

"Oh, just thought I'd let you know that I was thinking about asking Shiro out on a hack, what do you think his thoughts would be?" She batted her eyelashes. "I don't know, why don't you ask him?" You just walked on past her, rolling your eyes in the process. She growled and stomped off towards the tack room.

Lance and Keith came running up to you. "(f/n)! (f/n)!" Lance shouted. You raised an eyebrow in response. "Lance, Shiro, Pidge and I were going to go on a hack, wanna come? It'll be later tonight and we're going to take on Lover's Valley." Keith made mention. "Ehh...I don't know guys, Lover's Valley? At dark? Do you realize how stupid and dangerous that is?" You shook your head and started walking again.

"Don't you live for danger? Besides, Shiro will be there." Pidge cooed. You felt your face go a little red as you sighed, "Fine, I'll go." "YAY!" They all cheered. You rolled your eyes and turned to go tell Shiro the news only to see him cradling Allura in his arms bridle style. You let out a small "oh" and turned back around.

"Maybe you should ask Allura instead, I think I'll just stay home tonight." You ran over to your other horse, Warrior and mounted him. He was a beautiful brown and white Paint Horse whom you used for travel around the small island on which you lived. "Come on boy, let's go home."


You were lying in bed, scrolling through social media when there was slight thuds at your window. You glanced over and saw nothing but sunset sky. You shrugged and glanced back to your phone when a few more thuds resonated through the room. "What the heck is going on?"

You walked to your window and looked down through it to see Pidge, Shiro, Keith and Lance mounted on their horses looking up at you. In Shiro's hand laid reigns that kept Carina in place next to him. You opened the window and whisper yelled at them, "What do you want?!" "Uhh you agreed to come on a hack with us." Pidge stated. "Yeah but then I said nevermind and that I'd just stay home." "Ok I see, you're just scared you're gonna be left behind." Lance teased.

"No, it's Lover's Valley, at night...y'all are dumb." As you started to close your window you heard Shiro's voice, "I mean, we ran all the out here with your horse so the least you could do is ride with us." You mentally slapped yourself and agreed.

You closed your window and threw on your riding jacket and boots, ran downstairs and out the door to the group. It was only then that you realized that Shiro was the one holding your horse and there was millimeters between the horses. You carefully mounted Carina and Shiro handed you the reigns. "Thanks. I like your Shire by the way." He smiled, "Thanks, Storm's a good boy."

Storm was a grey dappled Shire with white mane, tail and feathers. Carina was nudging his neck slightly with her muzzle and he lightly nipped at her ear. You chuckled as you watched them, "Carina seems to like him." "Yeah and Storm seemingly is enjoying her company, just like someone else I know." Shiro responded as a light blush spread across his cheeks.

There was slight thundering of hooves as the others ran off and that's when you and Shiro galloped after them to try and catch up.


You'd finally gotten to the beginning of the trail just as it was getting dark and there was the slight, visible shine of stars in the sky. "Oh lord, we're actually doing this." You looked off into the distance and stared down the ridged cliff edge that it, Lover's Valley. "Hells yes, c'mon let's go!" Keith sped off down the trail with the others following closely behind. Shiro started running after them but you hesitated.

Shiro quickly stopped and looked behind at you, "You ok? You don't have to come, I can ride with you home." He slowly trotted up to you. "No, no it's fine. I'm just intimidated." You slowly started walking along the trail and Shiro stayed by your side. "We can take it at a slow pace then." After a few minutes of trotting along the trail, you met up with the others who were stopped in the middle of the pathway. "Took you guys long enough!" Pidge exclaimed. You simply rolled your eyes. "Hey, sorry to do this to you guys but we just remembered that we have chores to do down at the stables and home." Lance explained. "But I do the work at the st-" "Nope, we want to give you a bit of a break. Don't let this stop you from continuing though, you've got this far without turning back."

You sighed and nodded. The others left you and Shiro on the pass and you nudged Carina forward to a canter again, Shiro close behind. As you were traveling up the mountain, the pathway was getting more narrow and rocky. "Shiro, I almost feel like we should turn back. Its kinda dark and the path is getting dangerous." "I don't know (f/n)...we made it this far, how much further could the top be." You nodded and pressed forward.

Suddenly, Carina stumbled on a small rock causing a few loose rocks to tumble down and Carina tried to jump out of the way but ended up landing wrong, hurting herself and almost falling over as she let out a whiny. She then reared up and when she landed she let out a loud mix between between a neigh and a whiny. She then leaned down and bent one of her legs underneath her.

You quickly got off her and looked at her. She slowly tucked her legs under her and laid on her stomach. "Shiro, I think she's hurt."


Hellooooo. Hehehe yes I left off on a cliffhanger. I thought it was getting kinda long so there shall be a part two

Adios amigos!!! Til next time!

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