Dirty Little Secret (K) (Smut)

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College AU

This is kinda inspired by a scene in a book I read where these two people there was a mating bond and once the female accepts it both people go into like a sexual frenzy and cant stop touching each other and whatnot so this is kinda like that.

Warning mature themes read at your own risk! (its a bit of a long one folks)

To say you were horny was a bit of an understatement. The second you guys walked into a room together and touched it was like this electric pulse surged through your bodies and a craving for each other arose.

You had been able to learn to control yourselves, it was like you were in puberty again. You couldn't really complain however, Keith was really hot and sexy when riled up.


You walked into class and took your seat next to your boyfriend of five months. You quickly kissed his cheek and went to work in your notebook.

As class droned on you noticed Keith growing more and more uncomfortable and fidgety. You had a feeling desire was rising in his chest almost like he was going through heat. You were able to control your desires but he on the other hand, had a bit of a hard time.

You loved to tease him, it turned him on more and lead to more erotic and rough sex, which he was the best at. You'd not done it that many times, only about two or three times and they were all with Keith.

You leaned back and rested your chin on his shoulder. You slowly moved your hand over and placed it on his knee which immediately made him tense and cross his legs with his ankle resting on his one knee your hand wasn't on.

You leaned up to his ear and whispered, "Is someone feeling a bit needy?" His cheeks flushed a dark red and he looked away from you slightly. You slowly slid your hand up his leg so that it was close to his crotch. With each gained inch Keith got more and more fidgety.

After what felt like an eternity, class ended. Keith quickly stood up and grabbed your hand, roughly pulling you up. You blushed and look up into his violet eyes to see them full of lust, need, want, love and dominance. You knew what he wanted and you wanted it too.

He ran off and down the hall pulling you with him. He stopped in front of a door and looked around before opening it, pulling you in and shutting the door and locking it. He swiftly pushed you against the wall and his face got closer to yours until his lips were inches away from yours.

You took a quick second to look around and realized you were in a janitors closet, but before you got the chance to really look around you felt a pair of rough lips collide with yours and you snapped your eyes shut and kissed back.

His body moved closer to yours and you hooked a finger into one of the belt loops of his pants, pulling him against you. When you did so, you felt his hard erection press against your thigh.

He bit down on your bottom lip slightly and you groaned slightly and parted your mouth allowing him to slip his tongue in. Your tongues fought for dominance even though you knew you'd lose. He quickly won and roamed his tongue around your mouth and grind against your hips.

He slowly broke away from the kiss and continued to grind against you. You let out small moans along with the raven hair boy who grunted with each movement. He placed one hand next to your head and the other on your waist and looked down and watched at his hips moved against yours.

You could slowly feel his erection growing and could only imagine how tight his pants were getting. You hooked a finger in the waistband of his pants and it was kinda hard to do so for his pants were that tight.

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