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Hey guys so I've got stuff to say...

First matter...expect this book to be updated more frequently. Until I get a new laptop I won't be able to work on my Keith x Reader book I'm writing because it's a pain to write on my phone however writing little oneshots are easy cus I just do them on here and whatever.

Next matter...I'll going to edit the titles so I'll put a key in the first chapter but here's also a key:
(K)- Keith
(L)- Lance
(S)- Shiro
(H)- Hunk
(And so on...idk who else will be in here)

Last matter...so because I'm working on this book for now I've got some ideassss and I thought I'd let you guys know what to expect (tho...I may not do them in the order they're listed):

1. Teacher!Keith x Student!Reader

2. Keith x Reader College AU (Smut)

3. Keith x Reader (Songfic 7mins Dean Lewis)

4. Lance x Reader (Spanish exchange)

5. Lance x Reader (Songfic Spanish Chocolate Love song)

6. Lance x Reader Coffee Shop AU

It's not much but enough to keep me busy cus I don't have a regular schedule for this book but they will certainly be posted in a relatively short amount of time

Anyway you've reached the end of my message adios and until next time

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