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First....sorry again.

Second...I have like 2 stories in queue and forgot I had a part one out without p2 I've been super lazy ok?

Third...I seriously don't know what the hell im going to do anymore. I've been fighting myself about just putting out the last bit I've got written and finishing the book and saying fuck you to the Keith book but idk...

Idk if it's VLD or me that I don't want to write but in my last relationship that ended months ago I realized that I spent all my time giving up the things I love for the person I thought I loved and I realize that isn't right. No matter who it is or the distance between you should never have to give up the things you love because you feel like all your time needs to be devoted to them.

I think that because of that I've messed myself up and I'm still trying to get back into the things I love but it's really hard because I spent a lot of time getting out of it and now I have to become myself again.

So in all honesty idk what to do anymore.

I don't want to take a break from writing because if I do that then I'll never start again. Ik most people would be like maybe you need a break but really that's all I've been doing so maybe, in order to "fix" myself I need to force myself to write.

Anyway I'm not sure any of you care but whatever. I just wanted to update y'all on my circumstances.

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