All Fun & Games (L)

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Heyo! So this is inspired kinda by a card game that I love!!! Hope you enjoy!

"Ugh..I'm so bored!!!" You called out. It was quiet and dead in the castle, no one doing anything. A small group of you were gathered around on couches and some on the floor. *ahem* Pidge *ahem*.

Coran came bursting through the doorway holding a stack of cards. "Have no fear paladins, and nurse (f/n), I have the perfect cure to your boredom." He flashed a smile and you groaned and flopped sideways, landing into your brother's, Keith's, lap.

"It's called The Great Kingship. You need at least 5 people to play and everyone has a role...."

(blah blah blah I don't feel like explaining the rules, if you know The Great Dalmuti then that's how this game works)

After a couple practice hands, everyone was in their role spot based on who went out first and then as follows. Pidge was the first to use up her cards so she was The Great King, or Queen. Shiro went out second, making him the Second in Command. You were out third and your brother followed making you two merchants, you being the greater merchant, and then Lance who was the lesser servant and Hunk was last making him the greater servant.

Hunk had to shuffle and deal out the cards because he was in the worst spot to be in. We all picked up our cards and you were content with your hand, it wasn't too bad.

"AW COME ON! I don't seriously have to give you this card do I?!" Lance yelled out. You see, at the beginning of each round the King/Queen and Queen/Second in Command called for taxes from the two servants, meaning that the servant has to give up their lowest card(s). Lance was in a better standing than Hunk so he only had to give one card up and got one in return from Shiro. Hunk on the other hand, had to give up 2.

"If it's your lowest card Lance, hand it over." Shiro smiled.

The game went on for a while and eventually Lance ended up in the highest seat while you worked your way down to be in the worst seat.

Keith smiled at you from his Second in Command chair, "Are you cleaning up after us at dinner tonight little sis?" You growled at him, "Nope, this game doesn't translate into real life." You then smacked your cards down and growled again. "I hate this game." You mumbled.

"That's because you keep helping me win." Lance smirked at you. "Get lost loser." Everyone's eyes widened, "(f/n), he's our King, you cannot talk to him that way!" Pidge exclaimed. "Excuse me, what? You guys aren't seriou-" "Peasant!! You dare to speak to your King and higher ups that way?!" Lance shouted.

You face palmed, "Y'all are taking this way too literally." "To the stocks with you!" Lance stood up and grabbed your arm, pulling you up. "We don't even- ughhhh fine I'll play along."

You looked over to see Lance smiling down at you as he leaned down and whispered, "It's more fun when you play along." You blushed a little and your eyes flicked over to see your brother watching Lance very closely.

Lance ended up dragging you into the training room, which was only a couple feet outside the door, and Coran pulled up blueprints for a stock and made it appear. You were then locked in.

"For goodness sake, isn't this a bit harsh?" No one paid any attention to you though, after all you mistreated the King.


After about an hour of standing there, everyone came waltzing back in and took you back into the playing room to resume your game. "What took you guys so long?" You asked. You were tired, hungry and sore from standing in such a peculiar position.

"Oh uh, we kinda started watching some Altean T.V." Hunk stated, making you roll your eyes.

"My rebellious servant," Lance started. You turned to look at him, "A word in my quarters please." He stood and walked to the furthermost point in the room and you stood and followed. You guys where standing in a spot where the wall turned inward and it, for the most part, hid you two.

"You're the most magnificent servant I've ever seen in this kingdom." Lance lowered his voice to a whisper. "You deserve better than any other man of your class can give to you." You felt your face heat up and you turned your head away, "Lance, you're taking the role and game a bit far don't you think?" "Who says I'm playing? Look, the truth is (f/n), I'm in love with you but I've been too scared to tell you especially cus of Keith..."

You felt his hand push against the wall next to your head and you looked him in the eyes. "L-Lance..." You stared at each other before you reached out and grabbed the edges of his fluffy cargo jacket and pulled him down into a kiss, hiding your guys' faces with his jacket.

When you pulled away, you flashed him a nervous smile. You couldn't believe you just kissed the guy you've been crushing on. He slipped a strand of hair behind your ear and smiled. "So (f/n), continue this conversation later in a better place?" He asked. You nodded and motioned to head back out to the others.

When you guys sat down, Keith started watching you two very carefully and occasionally glaring at Lance, more than normal.


It was the last game y'all were gonna play, you guys were getting tired. "Haha suck it Lance! You've been overthrown by your second in command!" Keith shouted. Keith sat down in his king's "throne" and you sat next to him as the queen while everyone else shuffled around to their new spots.

"First order of business as King, I banish Lance from the kingdom." Keith stated flatly without even batting an eye. "Uhh...Keith, don't you thin-" "I've been watching him and I can't have him anywhere near you sis." He cut you off and just started playing cards. You rolled your eyes and shook your head.

Yaaay I finally finished it lol...I know it may not make sense especially if you've never played the game before (Great Dalmuti) but I hope y'all enjoyed it. Sorry for such a long period but then again that's what you're all used to.

Anyway thanks for reading see you in the next story!

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