"W-wow really? Th-that's really cool! Wh-what's it like in America" Izuku asks me, his nerves slowly disappearing and being replaced by interest and a child like curiosity. "Hehehe, yeah it's a pretty cool country" I tell him, giggling at his adorable child like curiosity as his eyes twinkle with amazement. "Everyone I met in my country is pretty cool but there are still a lot of....disagreeable people. Overall I'd say it's not the greatest country with the best history but it's where I was born and raised so I have to give it some credit. Not to mention we've done some pretty cool things. Of course you shouldn't take my opinion only since America has a really big population with many different opinions. But in the end I'd say we're a cool country, not to best but I like it overall" I tell Izuku and he looks at me with wide eyes filled with child-like wonder, practically soaking in everything I have to say about my country.

"Y-you sound like you like your country a lot" Izuku says, looking more relaxed than nervous or shy. "Yeah, I guess you could say that" I tell the green haired boy with a shoulder shrug. "Right! Let's start!" I hear Mr. Hizashi shout somewhere above us and I look up to see him standing on top of a tall tower like structure with a platform on top. "Get moving! There are no cunt downs in real battles, go, go, go! You're wasting air time here!" Mr. Hizashi yells and I look back over at the large gates of the city to see them already opened and kids already rushing towards them. "Wo-woah!" Izuku shouts sounding shocked when he notices the flood of students rushing into the city. "Come on Izuku what are you waiting for? Let's go!" I tell the surprised boy excitedly with a very large grin on my face.

I quickly grab him by the wrist without thinking and start running towards the fake city's gates, dragging him behind me as I catch up with our fellow examinees. As I run I can't help but to release the very excited giggle that's raising up within me. 'This is going to be fun!' I think energetically as a sense of exhilaration rushes over me, causing my legs to go faster. "I'll see you after the exam Izuku" I tell the green haired boy once we reach the inside of the city and let go of his wrist. "Good luck mi amigo(my friend)!" I say with a wink before shooting a web at one of the building and allowing myself to be pulled into the air. "Don't fall behind!" I call out to Izuku as I swing towards the running examinees. I look over my shoulder just in time to catch Izuku's shocked expression before I focus on the scene below me. I quickly use my webs to my advantage and swing to an area that doesn't have many people around but plenty of villain robots.

"Aw check it!" I shout excitedly, in English, as I drop from the air and use my momentum to crash into an unsuspecting 2-pointer. I feel too excited to bother speaking in Japanese right now so I subconsciously revert back to my first language. This is the first battle I've had in almost one and a half weeks! I'm going to run wild in this test! My loud landing grabs the attention of the surrounding robots which are about ten in total. I look around at the large green robots, waiting for them to make their first move but they all stay perfectly still. 'Guess I'm making the first move' I think and go to jump towards a 1-pointer on my left but before I can I feel my Spider Senses tingle as the tingle grows with each passing moment. I quickly drop down into a crouching position just in time to dodge a red laser that could have sent my head flying from my body.

"Alright, I see how it is. You're going down!" I shout, excitement pumping through me as I jump towards the robot and land a super strengthen punch right on it's metallic face. My attack on their fellow kin must have triggered something in their motherboards or nonexistent hearts but the moment the 3-pointer robot I punched down fell, all hell broke lose. 

My body flips and fly through the air, avoiding physical and laser attacks left and right. My Spider Senses continue to tingle and ring like crazy as the robots attack me mercilessly but I attack them with even less mercy. My fist start to slowly become red as I pummel my fifth robot into the ground but I can't bring my hands to care about the nagging sting in my fist, it'll go away in a bit anyways. Serval bits of laughter slip through my grinning lips as I drop kick another robot only to flip out of the way of another on coming attack. I jump and flip throughout the street easily, with the help of my Superhuman Agility and Superhuman Speed, as I avoid a pair of 3-pointers combined attacks. "Wow, these guys aren't letting up" I mutter to myself as I dodge another attack, luckily these two 3-pointers and that 2-pointer I just "killed" where the last of the bunch. 

The American Spider: MariaWhere stories live. Discover now