Chapter 20: Go Get Your Own!

Start from the beginning

Cordleia sunk back down into the sudsy bathwater.

Volsair sat down on the side of the tub, and let his feet soak in the bathwater, his pants legs rolled up and out of the water. "I'm guessing...lavender and sage in the bathwater?" he asked, taking a deep breath.

"It is." Cordelia said, sinking down to her chin once again. The flicking tip of her tail visible sometimes cutting through the suds.


"It smells good. It's calming." Volsair said, wiggling his toes in the water. The water came halfway up his calf.

"So why are you in here? Besides, what you said earlier?" Cordelia asked.

"I was wanting to talk more with you, without the possibility of spies." Volsair said. He cleared his throat, then said "Thank you, for you and Imelda rescuing us from the fumes of the potion. I know I thanked you earlier, but I want to say thank you, once again."

"Any time," There was an uneasy silence, the Cordelia said "I thought it was sweet what you said, when you came too."

"Really?" Volsair asked.

"Yeah." Cordelia replied.

"Cordelia, what are we exactly?" Volsair asked, still feeling the need to keep his eyes focused on a far decorative wall tile. The tile had blue under-glaze with a pale blue glossy spiral. Even though he wouldn't see anything, it was still courtesy. 

"You said to the throne room guards. I was your betrothed," Cordelia said, "And you gave me a ring so...I guess we're together?"

"I" his voice trailed off, deep in thought remembering what the voice had said about the rings. She would have to truly love him back, for the rings to work.

"Do I what?" Cordelia asked.

Volsair ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath, he asked, "Do you love me?" 


Cordelia fell off the stone bench, her head went under the sudsy water. Under water, Cordelia stewed for a little bit, she could feel her face grow to almost a fever, the soap burned her eyes, even with her third eyelids.

It didn't take her any time to swim underwater to the fountain, running the hot water into the tub. Cordelia resurfaced so Volsair wouldn't get worried. Even though right then, Cordelia wanted to spend a few hours at the bottom of the tub, mulling things over.

 When she broke the surface of the bubbles, Cordelia was under the flow of the water. Cordelia's hair clung to her back. She rinsed her eyes with the flowing water, even though the water was almost too hot, it was better than the soap. Cordelia slicked her bangs back, the water ran off her face, down her neck and her front, washing away the suds.

"What kind of question is that?!" Cordelia snapped her voice a mixture of anger and embarrassment.


"A good one." Volsair said, not taking his eyes off Cordelia. She was in Siren form, it wasn't like he was seeing all of her in human form.

"It's not a question to ask a lady when she's in the bath." Cordelia said, rinsing the soap off her face.

"You didn't kick me out earlier, so why not?" Volsair asked, taking his feet out of the tub, scraping the soap off with his hands.

"Remember I'm a Siren, we overly love men." Cordelia said.

"Yeah right." Was the only thing Volsair could get out right as Cordelia sprung from the water at him.


 Volsair could only watch in awe as Cordelia twisted through the air. Her iridescent scales shining in the muted light, like a brilliant gemstone's internal fire.

Cordelia bowled into him, knocking them both to the flagstone floor. She landed on top of him, soaking his clothes with bathwater.

Volsair yelled in shock when he hit the floor. Volsair tried to wrap his arms around Cordelia, but she was too slick and too fast.

She slipped out of his hands, using momentum, she slid on her stomach to her towel rack. She grabbed one and pulled it around, covering her from collar bone, to just above her knees. Cordelia then sang, The Song of Shifting, changing her into a human.

Volsair lay on the flagstones laughing. Never in his life had that ever happened to him, until now. It wasn't an experience he would ever soon forget. A Siren had launched herself at him, and didn't try to tear his throat out with her teeth.

 Volsair sat up and turned around to see Cordelia. She was now standing, with a death grip on her towel holding it in place. The water forming a pool on the flagstones where she stood. "Well. You're not in the bath, so please answer the question." Volsair said politely. 

"I don't feel the need to answer it right now. If it is lust you feel, then I'm literally going for your throat. I'm fine with it if you feel selfless, honest, true love. But, if you're playing games with me, then choose wisely." Cordelia said, her voice even, but none the less unnerving.

"It's love I feel," Volsair said, "Not lust. Lust is where you see somebody as completely perfect, you share a bed with them, and that's it. I love you Cordelia. I love how you sing and tell stories. I love your kind heart. "

 Volsair took a deep breath, "I love how when you smile your eyes light up, and when you hug me, I feel safe in your arms, while at the same time, I feel like I could you give me the strength to fight with purpose, not just to defend the Kingdom." Volsair's voice was even, but at the same time, Cordelia could tell it was taking on a subtle edge of worry. "I love you Cordelia."

Cordelia stood there, her elongated teeth about to pierce her bottom lip. Then she finally asked, "You feel safe in my arms?"

"I do." Volsair said, seeing that Cordelia was trying to take him down a badger trail. " But seriously, how do you feel about me?"

Cordelia sighed, "To be honest, I feel the same way about you, it's just that when you've been around as long as I have, you aren't a fan of games, when the heart is concerned."

"You have had previous relationships?" Volsair asked.

Cordelia smiled flirtatiously, "Oh of course. I age slower than humans, and I traveled with the Travelers for years. There have been men in several different towns and nations." Cordelia smiled to herself, seeing just how shocked Volsair was, eyes wide, jaw slack, barely able to manage a word. "I'm kidding. I've had previous relationships before, but nothing to worry about. Though I really did travel with the Travelers for a few years, I made more friends then I did lovers." Cordelia said, biting her tongue with the last word to stifle a laugh.

Volsair shook his head, to bring his mind back to the normal wagon train of thought. "Good to know. You had me worried there for a second."

"I usually wait about twenty years between relationships. What about you then? Relationship wise." Cordelia asked.

"I've had a few. " Volsair said, "Some were when I was still training, others were after I became Champion. So, why do you wait twenty years between relationships?"

"I usually, wait that long, to help combat the Siren and men stereotype." 

After the conversation had a chance to wind down, Volsair left Cordelia so she could finish her bath in peace.

After the conversation she had, Cordelia definitely needed time to mull it over. This time though, Cordelia slid a stool in front of the closed bathing room door.



AN: And that's all for now! Thank you for reading, and your support. Please comment and fav if you liked it! I am also open to constructive criticism, if you want to give me advice. 

'Til next time!

~ Laura-the-bard

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