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I awoke to Boy in Luv as my alarm and I jumped out of bed and went to my closet. I grabbed one of my Yoongi hoodies out of the pile of them that I've stolen over the years. A pair of ripped black jeans and a orange T-shirt. I then went to the bathroom, locked the door and turned the shower on. I jumped in the shower, quickly washed and rinsed my body, dried off and threw on my clothes.

I raced back into the bedroom and jumped onto Jimin's bed. He stirred and faced me. "Jimi, wake up!" I cheered and he sighed jokingly as a smile creeped up onto his face. I smiled back as I crawled off his bed and watched as he looked for clothes. "I'll be in Yoongi and Jungkook's room, so I'll see you at breakfast."

"See you then," he said as he walked to the bathroom after he had searched around his room, clothes in hand. I opened the door and went down two doors to Yoongi and Jungkook's room. I opened the door to be immediately met with a pale and shirtless Yoongi.

A squeal left my lips as my face turned a bright cherry red. "Sorry Yoongi, I'll come back later." I slowly backed out of the doorway shyly, only to be stopped by a warm strong hand on my wrist.

I looked at my wrist and trailed my eyes up the arm yo see that it was Yoongi's hand. I looked up at him and smiled with relief. He had put a shirt black T-shirt on. "Y/n? Is everything alright?"

I nodded, my cheeks cooling down, "I was coming to tell you that we should start heading down for breakfast."

He nodded and stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him and started walking downstairs, dragging me along. But even though I was being dragged, I couldn't stop smiling. Yoongi was my guy, my boyfriend. After so many years of hiding my feelings and pretending that I was going to be okay with just being friends. I had finally mustered up the courage and had told him, and he felt the same.

As we reached the dining table filled with enough food to feed and army, I saw that Jimin and Jungkook were sitting next to each other. I smirked and winked discreetly as Jimin met my eyes, and he blushed bright red and quickly turned back to Jungkook.

Hoseok and Taehyung were sitting together across from Jikook and having a very adamant conversation Hoseok is a ball of sunshine? I shook my head in confusion. I then saw that Namjoon was sitting next to an empty chair. I had a sneaking suspicion that it was for Jin.

Yoongi sat across from Namjoon and I sat down next to him. The three of us making small talk about our rapping and possibly making some mix tapes in future years. Discussing some new lyrics for our next album.

I heard a clang and a crash in the kitchen and I immediately stood up and headed towards the kitchen. "Jin? You okay?" I walked into the kitchen to see spilled orange juice on the floor and pieces of glass in the orange juice and littering the floor. I smiled softly and shook my head in exasperation.

"Do you want help Jinnie?" I asked softly as he was cleaning up the mess.

Jin looked up at me and smiled. "Sure, can you take the rest of the orange juice and glasses and put them on the table. Then I'll follow you with the last of the pancakes and bacon." I nodded as I grabbed the two jugs of surviving orange juice and placed one on each end of the table.

I then returned to the kitchen and grabbed the glasses and plates and placed one of both in front of each and every member. I then grabbed the forks and knives, carefully placing each knife on the table first.

I then sat down next to Yoongi once again as Jin came out. The last of the giant stack of pancakes and bacon on a plate, in his hands. He placed the pancakes in the middle and the bacon near Namjoon and I with a smile.

As Jin sat down, Yoongi and I stood. We walked over to the head of the table, since that was where members made big announcements. Everyone but Jimin gave curious looks and Yoongi and I made eye contact before I took a deep breath as I glanced out at the table.

Yoongi and I looked at each other again and nodded. Yoongi speaking first since I was so nervous, "Y/n and I have an important announcement."

The group then looked over at me, knowing I would speak next. "Yoongi and I are official and dating!" I cheered as I held Yoongi's hand tightly.

The band erupted into cheers and Jimin stood up and hugged me tightly. "You'll do great with Yoongi as your boyfriend, but try not to forget your other best friends, like Tae and I, alright?"

We pulled apart and I smiled, "How could I forget my dance partner since dance school and my Overwatch buddy. You guys and the band come first, but Yoongi is my world." I leant to his ear, "Just like how Jungkook is yours. Just a few more years and then he won't be a minor anymore, and neither will you." I whispered and pulled back.

Jimin blushed but gave me his signature crescent moon smile. I look back behind me and see Taehyung, Namjoon and Jin giving Yoongi the talk about taking care of me the most. I smiled widely as I walked over and back hugged Yoongi.

"C'mon guys, cut him some slack. He already knows how to take good care of me. He's been my best friend since I was like eleven." Namjoon and Jin gave me a glare and I giggled. "Fine, Eomma, Appa, I'll let you finish." I kissed Yoongi's cheek and then walked over to Jungkook.

"Hey Kookie, wanna play OW with me?" I asked. He gave me a bunny smile and nodded his head excitedly and grabbed my wrist as he dragged me to the living room and turned on the Xbox. Putting in the game and signed the both of us in. He handed me my headphones as he grabbed his own.

"You ready, Y/n? We should play 1v1, then I can finally beat you." Jungkook teased and I smirked.

"You wish you could beat this awesomness!" I said while laughing and motioning to myself. Jungkook shook his head as we started the battle. "Jimin! Come watch me beat Kookie on Overwatch!" I yelled, hoping my small best friend hear's me.

I heard hurried footsteps come into the room and someone pulling me into their lap. I turned my head quickly to find Yoongi's dark red hair instead of Jimin's black locks. I giggled and turned back to the game. I started beating Jungkook and when he died Yoongi gave a cheer.

I turned to face Jungkook. "What did I tell you? You can't beat this awesomeness." I teased him.

Namjoon came into the room with Jin, Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok behind him. "C'mon you three, we have a practice to get to."

I whined as I stood up. "Fiiine." I quickly ran over to get my converse on and I opened the door. "Well, let's go!" I said urgently.

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