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"Aaah, finally. A day to just sit back and relax." I sighed with pleasure as I sat in the living room.

"You said it Y/n, but I need to ask if you can go and wake up Yoongi before Jungkook or Tae drag you into playing Overwatch today?" Jin asked me with a smile.

"Why me? Why can't you do it?" I whined as I sunk into the couch and sulked.

Jin grabbed me by the wrist, pulled me up off the couch, and dragged me to the stairs. "He only wakes up nicely for you. He just threatens to kill the rest of us."

I sighed out longingly. "Fine, I will do it." I stood up on my own feet so Jin could let go of my wrist and as Jin turned around I stuck my tongue out at him. I walked up the wooden stairs and walked down the long carpeted hall to Yoongi's room. I knocked on the door softly and heard nothing. "Yoongi?It's your best friend, Y/n.  Can I come in without you killing me?"

I heard a groan and rustling come from the room and guessed that that was a yes. So I softly and quietly opened the door and went over to his bed. A mischievous grin tugged at my lips as I grabbed his foot from under the covers and dragged him out of bed. "C'mon Yoongi, wake up! I want to go play Overwatch with TaeTae and Kookie, so you have to wake up." Yoongi just grabbed my arm and pulled me down to the gray carpeted ground and into a tight warm hug.

I sighed, trying not to think about how much I enjoyed his warmth. "Yoongi!!! Wake up!!!" He slowly let go and I crawled out of his arms and dragged him into the hall. I had barely reached the stairs when he jolted up from the ground desperately.

"Alright, alright. I'm up!" He yelled and I smiled brightly.

"Good, now go downstairs so I can go play Overwatch." I commanded and pointed at the stairs and he smirked a little.

"And why should I?"

My smile faltered a bit and my pointed finger started to lower. "Because you love me?" I stated, but it came out as more of a question.

He smiled that gummy smile that I loved and rarely got to see. "Sure, sure." He walked downstairs and I felt the heat rushing to my face. I shook my head, getting rid of the blush, and started down the stairs to see Taehyung and Jungkook had started without me.

"TRAITORS!!!!!" I yelled as I ran down the rest of the stairs and tackled them both off the couch and onto the hardwood floor. "HOW COULD YOU!!!!???" I heard everyone race into the living room to see what the problem was.

Everyone sighed in relief that nothing was broken or anything. Namjoon sighed in disappointment at the boys. "Tae, Jungkook, you both know better than to start playing without Y/n. What were the two of you thinking?"

I got off the boys and sat in front of them with small tears pricking the edges of my eyes. They both looked at me and bent their heads down in shame. "We weren't thinking, we're sorry Y/n/Noona."

I wiped the tears from my eyes quickly as Jimin walked towards me and backhugged me. "I accept your apologies. Just pinky promise not to do it again, alright?" I grasped Jimin's arms and smiled slightly.

Taehyung and Jungkook nodded their heads and held out their pinkies. I wrapped mine around the both of theirs with a bright childish grin. "We pinky promise." They said with excited grins before we all let go. "So, you want to play a round?"

I nodded my head excitedly, "You know it!"

Time Skip Brought to you by BTS and GOT7's friendship

"YES!!! I WON!!! FINALLY!!!" I screamed as both Jungkook and Taehyung wallowed and sulked next to me on the couch in defeat.

"Who's yelling?! Who's dying?!" Namjoon and Jin ran in seeing me rolling around on the floor while Jungkook and Taehyung are shuffling around in their pockets. Pulling out their wallets with puts on their faces.

"No one's dying hyungs, Noona beat us on Overwatch." Jungkook replied and the 'parents' sighed with relief.

I quickly stood up, "Alright boys, pay up. 244, 706 each." (All money is in won) I stated calmly and the boys sighed. They each handed me the won and I squealed excitedly before racing to the stairs. Finally we have enough so I yelled, "YOONGI!!!" up the stairs so that he could hear from his room.

I heard a loud thud from upstairs and rapid footsteps. "Y/n?! What's wrong?!" Yoongi asked worriedly as he came down the steps.

I smiled brightly, "I have enough. We can finally go."

Yoongi gave me a gummy smile. "Finally, let me grab Hobi and you get Namjoon, then we can go."

I nodded excitedly and watched as he started racing up the stairs. I turned back to Namjoon and Jin. "Namjoon, we've got enough." I said excitedly. 

Namjoon's eyes grew wide and a dimpled smile grew on his face. "Your joking."

I shook my head and grabbed his hand. I dragged him to the door jumping up and down, and as soon as we finished putting on our shoes, Yoongi and Hoseok had reached the door, already in their shoes. "Let's go!!" Hoseok yelled excitedly and charged out the door.

As we started to leave, my wrist was grabbed and I turned and saw Jin. "Where are you four going?"

"We're all going out to lunch together, and then going to see a movie. It's the rap line's hangout day." I replied and Jin nodded his head in understanding.

"Be back by 10:30 alright?"

We all nodded are heads and raced out the door, following Hoseok as he raced down the sidewalk into the big city of Seoul, South Korea. We hadn't gotten to hang out in a long time, and as we walked, I felt a hand slide into mine. I looked down to see the pale skin against my own s/c. I looked up and saw Yoongi staring forward, yelling at Namjoon and Hoseok to slow down.

What did this mean?

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