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Breath. That's all you have to do Y/n. Just breath. Now get out on that stage and rap your heart out, win, and go home.

At least, that was what was supposed to happen, but fate has a funny way of bringing people together. For me, it just so happened that it was this kind of rap battle, a couple years ago, that brought me my boyfriend

Min Yoongi. Otherwise known in the underground as Gloss. He had challenged me, many years ago as Black Jack, to a rap battle. How could I say no, I never say no. I had faced many rappers before him, so I wasn't going to say no now, but none had caught my eye like he did.

The way his lyrics just flowed, and how fast he did it, and with such passion. I couldn't turn down the chance to see him in person. To see his lips form the many lyrics and words that gave him the chance to show his pride. To show his abilities and skills

And now he and I have a history together. He had been my first real friend in the underground. He protected me and kept me on the right path. In around 2006, he became my best friend. He is the one I look up too and idolize, and maybe just a bit more.

Now, it's 2013, we've known each other for 7 years and we are about to have one of our many rap battle. In front of thousands and thousands of people and fans.

It was today that I would step up onto that stage, the stage that would change my life no more than 5 hours later. I sighed, trying to relax, and took a deep breath. I stepped onto the stage and searched for him quickly. The lyrics to my rap caught in my throat as I met eyes with my best friend. He gave me a gummy smile and my heart fluttered. I smiled brightly and took the mic that was being handed to me.

We rapped our hearts out. We rapped on that stage together, not against. We were friends and this was our only way of getting a company to scout us as a duo. To see we're partners. I am Yoongi's soft spot. Without me he loses himself and without him I lose myself. We keep each other on the right track.

So as the performance finished he pulled me into a tight hug on the stage before he exited the ring. I exited my way and met him in front of the locker rooms. A wide smile on my face. His usual gummy smile spread wide.

"You're giving me a ride, right Gloss?" My smile wide and teasing.

"Of course Black Jack. And what have I said about how I feel about using our stage names. I'd prefer to call you Y/n, BJ." He rolled his eyes.

I laughed, "Yeah, I know."

He sighed, "I'm only 20 and I feel like a parent. To my best friend no less."

I smirked, "C'mon, let's go Yoongi. I don't wanna be late. I have music first period."

He smiled, "Alright, alright. Let's go."

I smiled and followed him as he held my hand. Leading me out of the underground and to his car. Today was my last day of school. We got to decide what we wanted to do and I wanted to go to my dance class. No one ever goes there and so I would be able to practice my dances and raps with no interruptions.

"I'll see you at your graduation, alright?"

I nodded excitedly, "Yeah, see you soon Yoongi!"

He smiled as I ran into my school and into the dance studio. My smile starting to hurt my cheeks. I entered the dance studio to be met with another boy there.

 I entered the dance studio to be met with another boy there

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It was my second best friend, Kim Taehyung. Tae, Yoongi and I are all best friends. In fact, I'm only 11 months older than Tae. But that doesn't matter. He and I sometimes practice together.

"Hey Tae. How did that audition go for that company?"

He gave me a boxy smile. "I guess you'll have to find out, won't you?"

I glared and pouted, "You're mean. At least Yoongi would tell me."

Tae rolled his eyes, "Whatever, you say that about him all the time, he is your crush after all."

I blushed bright red, "Tae!!! Be quiet, you're tempting fate to have him figure it out."

Tae laughed as I felt a vibration in my back pocket, I pulled out my phone and saw an unknown number on it. I tapped the pick up button.


"Hello. Is this L/n F/n? This is BigHit Entertainment? We want you to come to Seoul with your partner Min Yoongi and audition."

I pulled the phone away from my face and squealed. Breaking away from my cool girl mode temporarily. I placed the phone back to my ear. "How soon do you need us there?"

"Immediately if possible."

"Great, we'll be there!"


The call ended and I smiled brightly. "Tae, you wouldn't believe it but Yoongi and I were given the chance to audition at this company! Can you believe it?! I have to call Yoongi, we need to leave immediately!"

Tae just laughed and gave me a boxy smile. "I told you that you and Yoongi would get scouted."

I smiled brightly. I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts till I spotted Yoongi's. I clicked it and it started ringing.

"C'mon, pick up, pick up, pick up!"


"Yoongi! Start packing, we just got scouted to audition for a company in Seoul. We have to leave today!"

"Y/n? Wait, hold on a second. Are you serious? We actually got scouted?"

"Yes, and we need to leave today!"

"Alright, I'll come and pick you up and drop you off at your house to pack right now!"

"Okay, see you in a few."

"Okay, bye!"


After the call I started packing my stuff back up, hugged Tae tightly and headed to the front of the school. I spotted his car and slid into the passenger seat. A grin on my face as I knew that he and I would become idols. Just like we had dreamed we would be.

The next few hours were full of chaos. Packing hurriedly our clothes, and pictures, memories, and saying goodbye to the people we love. The hardest person to say goodbye to was Tae. He was always there for Yoongi and I and now we had to leave him. I was in tears at the sudden departure and not being able to properly say goodbye, but he sent us off with a smile and we were on our way to Seoul for the audition.

Little did we know that we would be seeing Tae very soon.

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