"Law, honestly you're a genius. A God-send. Thank you so much, this is perfect!" you gushed, hugging him tightly.

"You're welcome honey. Couldn't have you looking like any old bride on your day! I even got something for Nikki"

You turned to see Nikki in a pale lavender number. It had a simple lacy v-neckline that melted into a flowing skirt of chiffon.

"Oh Nikki, you look gorgeous!"

She blushed, looking down at the dress. "It's not too much?"

"No. It's perfect! Everyone looks amazing!" you beamed. "I think we should celebrate Law with a bottle of champagne!" you cheered, grabbing the bottle that the hotel had provided and popping the cork.

"First, everyone out of those dresses!" Law said, clapping his hands firmly. "Don't want to ruin them before the big day"

As you hurried into the makeshift change room, you heard your phone buzz.

"Hello?" you said, answering without checking caller ID.

"Y/N, it's me"

You froze, your stomach clenching uncomfortably.

"You there?" asked Louise.

"Um, I don't know. I think I'm having an out of body experience"

"Is now a bad time?"

You sighed, biting your lip. "How about you tell me why you're calling and I'll decide?"

"I'm calling to tell you that I'm sorry"

Your brain was having a really hard time keeping up. "Sorry?" you repeated.

"For everything"


"I know now that what I've done to you, been doing to you, was wrong and I'm sorry. I'm also not marrying Jack anymore"

"Oh. Good. That's good. I mean the part about not marrying Jack. Still not entirely sure about the other part"

"I understand if I've hurt you too much to be forgiven, but I want you to know that I'm changing all of that"

"I see. And uh, what brought about this change? If I may ask"

"I joined a church"


It was all you could manage. Your own experience with churches was limited but you'd seen enough documentaries about the corruption and systemic abuse within many religious organisations that your brain immediately imagined Louise on a farm in the middle of nowhere, using straw for a tampon and having 12 children to a man three times her age.

"It's not a cult" Louise said, voice slightly defensive.

"No, no, of course it's not. Sorry, just not quite the answer I was expecting" you said, defaulting to placating her.

"Well, when we were looking for a church to get married in, we found this amazing one, it's so beautiful Y/N, but you have to be part of the congregation to get married there so we joined and everyone was really nice, and one day at service I had a revelation!"


"I realised how horrible I've been treating people, that I was being a bystander in my own life, and letting others choose for me. I have realised that I need to be free of negative people who want to hold me back and control me, to be a better person for myself, for others and for God"

To say you were dumbfounded was an under statement. "Cool..."

"So I broke it off with Jack and moved out of Mum's into a shared flat. And my next step is apologising to you, as part of my journey to better myself"

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