Chapter 9

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"Don't touch him! Don't you dare touch him!" Olivia yelled at Harry as Draco tried to calm her down. Her eyes filled with tears at her hair became a whole new look. Her eyes were wide as she stared at Draco.

Harry stopped dead, transfixed by a flash of something dark pushing through the wet fabric of Malfoy's shirt sleeve. Snape bursted through the door. Seeing Draco, and the nature of his injuries, he eyed Harry with keen curiosity. 

Snape tried to get closer, but Olivia wouldn't let him. So Harry walked over and picked her up. She thrashed in his arms and Snape sighed softly. It was true, Draco had Veela blood in him. It wasn't usual for a male to a Veela blood, but it wasn't like it couldn't happen. 

It the only reason that Olivia would act like that. Snape nodded softly at Harry before kneeling down next to Draco. He traced the tip of his wand over Malfoy's wounds.

Murmuring an eerie incantation. Instantly, the skin began to knit itself together. Olivia grew heavy in his arms. She watched as Draco's wounds healed and it took everything in her not to pass out.


Harry sat numbly, the Potions textbook lying limp in his hand. Hermione, Ron and Ginny sit together, a bit apart, keeping a kind of vigil. "How's Olivia?" Harry looked up at Hermione. 

"She stopped talking to me." Harry mumbled and Hermione snorted loudly. Harry looked over to her with wide sad eyes.

"I see why Harry. You almost killed her boyfriend." Harry growled under his breath and Hermione slapped him on the back if his head. "Don't you dare, you almost killed an innocent student." 

"He's not innocent! I swear to you that his is a Death Eater." Hermione sighed and slumped down in her seat. She went back to her staring that the book. 

Finally, Ginny rose and stepped to him. "You have to get rid of it. Today."

Harry, Potions book in hand, follows Ginny past the empty birdcage and down the corridor when she paused turning to the wall and shuts her eyes. "Take my hand."

"The Room of Requirement." Ginny nodded and turned away. Harry followed her.

Harry eyes the shelves that tower above things they hold: a small cage bearing the skeleton of some long-dead creature. A jar of quivering eyeballs which tracked him as he passed.

"Over the years, if someone had a secret, if they wanted to conceal something, this is where they came. Some of these things are almost as old as the castle itself."


"Olivia, look me in the eyes." Olivia looked up at Draco and he pulled her into his chest. She had been having a panic attack for the past five minutes. After what had happened she had been having nightmares from that last task.

"I'm sorry." Olivia mumbled into his chest and Draco shook his head lightly. "I am. I took away your memories. You should be pissed at me and yell at me." Draco pulled away just enough to look down to her.

"I'm to yelling at you, because I understand." Olivia went to speak, but Draco shook his head. "No, I would never want someone to get hurt because of me. You think at you've caused me pain, but your wrong. You have done nothing to me to make me mad or to make me ever leave you." She nodded and Draco killed her forehead. 

"Thank you." He smiled down to her and Olivia's hair changed to the rainbow. "I love you." 

"I love you too." 


"Who showed you this? First." Harry asked Ginny as they walked around.

"Fred and George. First year. I hid Tom Riddle's diary here for a time. Wish I'd left it." As Ginny drifted in the memory, Harry studied her. Then a scuffling sound is heard nearby. They turned and looked off.

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