Chapter 4

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Harry and Olivia took the quills. "Harry, you will write "I will not tell lies" until I tell you to stop. Understood?"

She walked over to Olivia and whispered into her ear. "There's no ink," The siblings said at the same time.

"Oh, you won't need ink." Harry started to write before gasping in pain. He looked at his head and found that I will not tell lies had carved itself in to the skin of his hand, The quill had written the words in the parchment in bright red blood.

The words healed over again on his hand. Harry looked over at Olivia who's eyes were wide, her hair a bright white. Harry glared at Umbridge, who had a evil smile.

"Problem Potter, Snape?"

Harry shook his head and returned to his lines. He was gasping after writing it again, the words on his hand had gotten much deeper. He gritted hid teeth and forced himself to write.

Olivia had finished her lines, she sat there with a stone cold look. She had felt worse pain, but you could tell how much pain she was in, as she was shaking. Her face was pale and her hair was a dark red.

Harry shook, weak hand scratched the final line of the evening the words on the back of his hand stopped healing. They were bleeding profusely. Harry looked over to his sister, but didn't see where her lines were.

"That's enough for this evening. Same time tomorrow, we'll see id we can get the message to sink in a bit deeper."

Harry and Olivia staggered to their feet, weak and pale. They used each other to get out of the office. The two get down the hall and around a corner. "Where are yours?" Harry gasped at the pain in his hand.

Olivia swallowed and slowly pulled up the side of her shirt. There going up to her bra was "I am a traitor" Olivia pulled her shirt down. "I'm going to Draco." Harry nodded and kissed his sisters forehead before they took off running in different directions.

Olivia stumbled into the Slytherin common room. Draco's eyes widened as he ran over to his girlfriend. He helped her get to the couch as everyone, other than the two, left the common room.

"Olivia?" Olivia rubbed her eyes and took a breath.

"My mouth got me in trouble." She pulled up the side of her shirt. Draco's eyes narrowed as anger rolled over him.

"Who did this?!" He seethed as Olivia pulled her shirt down.

"Umbrigde, and a quill that writes in your own blood." Draco's anger didn't fade, but concern filled him as Olivia started to cry.

He pulled her to him and she started to sob. Olivia clung to Draco as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

After twenty minutes she calmed down, but neither moved. Draco only moved when he looked down to see Olivia a sleep. He picked her up bride style and walked to his bedroom.

He took off her robe and long sleeve before getting ready for bed himself. Draco kissed Olivia's bandages wrists before kissing her forehead. He pulled her close and fell asleep.

Harry and Olivia moved down the same dark hallway, slowly, meaningfully. Locked doors were all around them, lining the wall as far as they could see.

Harry and Olivia looked each other as they broke into a jog. Then a run, and soon a sprint. The locked doors rushed past them,

Suddenly an invisible force grabbed the two and pulled them along faster and faster, the doors became a blur. The they saw the end, a blinding light, which they blasted into with a smack. The light faded and they caught a glimpse of a further room, beyond the lights, for only an instant.

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