Chapter 11

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Ron tossed Harry and Hermione their wands. "I'd imagine we should fly." Harry frowned at her.

"We've got no brooms." Luna and Olivia looked at each other and smiled. 

"There are other ways to fly." Luna nodded in the direction of the forest.

"I mean, they can fly, and they'll very good at finding places you need to go." Olivia told Harry as he turned to see the four Thresteals watching them.

"What are those?" Harry asked as Ron looked over in the direction. 

"What are what?" Ron asked as he tried to see what they saw.

Ron looked right at them and didn't see them. "There's nothing there, Harry."

"Yes, there is. They're Thestrals. You can't see them unless you've seen someone die." Neville went quiet as Draco wrapped and arm around Olivia. Finally, he looked up. 

"I can see them too." Harry clapped his hands.

"All right, then. Get on one, and we'll be off." Ron looked at Harry and sighed.

"And what about those of us who can't see them?" Ron asked and Luna walked over to them.

"I'll show you." 


The sun had set behind the mountains in the distance. 

Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermione, Luna and Neville, and Olivia and Draco were each paired on one Thestral as they flow over the British Landscape towards London. 

The Thestral dove down. Hermione gave a shriek of surprise as they swooped down close to the lights of London. 

They soar between buildings and finally set down in front of a telephone booth. Ron jumped off the Thestral shakily.

"Never again." He swear and Olivia laughed. Draco pulled the 15-year-old closer to him, Olivia looked up at him with a small smile. 

"What now, Harry?" Harry lead the way to the telephone booth. He opened the door and stepped in. The rest crammed inside with him. 

The lift ground to a halt and the doors swung open. Harry and the others stepped out to the receptionist area wit a golden fountain.

They place was deathly silent. They fanned out, wands at the ready. Harry waited a moment.

"All right, come here." They headed past the fountain and up the steps into the Ministry of Magic. 

The lager lift clicked downward slowly. Finally, it ground to a halt. "Department of Mysteries." The doors opened and Harry lead the others out. This department too was abandoned. 

"Where is everyone?" Harry asked as they looked around.

"The Ministry closed a half-hour ago. I expect they all went home." Harry nodded grimly.

"That's how Voldemort got in unnoticed." They walked until they reached the hallway of Harry and Olivia's dreams.

"This is it. Come on." Draco grabbed Olivia's arm and pulled her closer to him. They made their way down the long hall until they reached the door at the end of the hall. Only it didn't glow.

Olivia tried the handle and it swung open. "Stay close." He stepped into the next room. 

This room was large and circular. It was filled with identical door all the way around. It was illuminated by a blue-flamed candle.

After Neville entered the room, the door swung shut with an echoed bang. "Now where?" Ginny asked as Harry looked around confused.

"I don't understand. In my dream, the doors weren't identical."

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