Chapter 5

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Ron jumped and turned around startled. "Sirius?" The siblings asked at the same time. 

"Right you are. Got your letter and thought we should talk in person." He craned his neck to see the burning letter. "Whats this?" He asked as he looked back up.

"Letter from Percy." Olivia told her brothers Godfather as she sat on the ground.

"Yeah, full of the usual rubbish." Ron told Sirius as he looked down at his ex. Her hair was a brown color.

"Except he did mention that Dumbledore might not be in charge here for much longer." Olivia told him and he nodded his head, not surprised.

"It doesn't surprise me. Fudge wants Dumbledore out." Olivia yawned and thought about her bed, it was calling her name.

"Why?" Harry asked as he sat next to his sister, who leaned her tired head on his shoulder. Her hair now a black color.

"His worried Dumbledore is trying to turn the student against the Ministry." 

"Well." Olivia yawned. "That would explain why Umbitch isn't teaching us anything useful in Defense Against the Dark Arts." Olivia said and thought about her first day with the terrible woman.

"Exactly. The Ministry doesn't want you to trained in combat." Olivia snorted as she conjured up a coffee. The four looked at her with wide eyes, even Hermione didn't know how to do that.

"What does he think Dumbledore is going to do, raise an army?" Harry asked not thinking it was true. 

"That is exactly what he's worried about. Fudge is getting more paranoid about Dumbledore everyday." There was a nervous silence in the room.

"What do you know about Umbridge?" Harry asked as Olivia thought about her bed again, she really wanted to sleep.

"She's a nasty piece of work." Olivia snorted. "Apparently she hates part-humans." Olivia lifted an eyebrow.

"I could have told you that." 

"Could she be a Death Eater?" Harry asked not listening to his sister.

"The Order seriously doubts it. She's no picnic, but no Death Eater either." Olivia stretched out her leg that had been in a cast. It was starting to ache.

"But she's evil." Harry ran his hand down his sisters back. She was slowly falling asleep in his shoulder, drinking her coffee.

"The world isn't split into the Order and the Death Eater, Harry." Harry sat back, looking unsatisfied. "Add to your question about Hagrid, well, no one is really sure what happened to him, actually. He was supposed to be back a while ago." Olivia lifted her head up.

"What?" The two girls asked at the same time.

"Dumbledore's not worried about him, though. Hagrid's tough. He'll be all right." Sirius told them and Olivia nodded. She laid her head back on her brothers shoulder.

"But if he was supposed to be back by now." Ron felt the worry come off of him in waves.

"Look, asking questions about him will only make it more obvious that he's not back." Suddenly he glanced with concern at the wall of the fireplace. "Get out of here!" 

His head vanished and a split second later, a stubby- fingered hand appeared into the fire, groping for Sirius head. The four of the run.

Olivia walked back to her common room. "Miss Snape, you should not be out of bed." Olivia turned around and glanced at the woman.

The woman's eyes widened and she walked away. Olivia rubbed her face and made it to her door. "What's greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it, you die?" The door asked and Olivia looked at it with dead eyes.

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