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*Jimmy's POV*

"D-Dude, I'm scared."

Dimebag rolled his eyes as I stood in front of my parent's front door. I was so nervous, it was unbelievable.

He punched my shoulder as he reassured me, "Oh c'mon, you can do this. You'll visit them in their sleep, it's not like you'll actually have to face them."

I took a shaky breath as I nodded, closing my eyes. I could feel my body get lighter and it felt as if I'm floating away.


Fields of lavender went on for miles and miles away. The sun was setting, the clouds looked golden as the skies turned different shades of pink. Birds chirped and flew around, bugs made their way around as a butterfly flew past me. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, the smell of lavender instantly filled my nose.

I heard a soft voice from behind. It was like music to my ears, it could make angels cry. Soon enough, another three voices filled the air, which made me close my eyes. They were here.

Looking over my shoulder, my family stopped dead in their tracks. All of them looked at me with wide eyes, however, Kelly and Katie were by my side in an instant, "Jimmy!"

I wrapped my arms around them as they hugged me tightly. Ten years had passed by and they still acted like they did before, it was almost like I never even was gone.

I felt a kiss on my forehead and I opened my eyes. Dad smiled down at me as my sisters pulled back. Dad hugged me tightly, making me return the hug, "Oh, son... Oh, my babyboy."

I hid my face in the crook of his neck. I felt like I could finally put my guard down, I felt safe and protected. It was good to be back in my father's arms.

Pulling back from the hug, I smiled sadly when dad wiped away my tears, even if menly tears left his eyes like a waterfall.

Slowly, I made my way to my mother. Her eyes were wide and full of hope, however tears ran down her face and fear masked her features. I wrapped my arms around her and she buried her face in my chest as she wrapped her arms around me, "I knew that I saw you. I just knew it was you... My sweet boy..."

I rubbed her back soothingly as I sighed, "I miss you."

She cried as she took fistfulls of my shirt, "Baby, w-why did you have to go? Did I-I do something wrong?"

I shook my head violently as I rubbed her back, "No, mom, you did nothing wrong. It's not dad, Kelly and Katie either. It was my fault. I just had to go, I couldn't go on any longer. I was tired, I wasn't as strong as you all thought."

She cried as she nodded sadly against my chest. After a few moments I continued, "I'm in something even better than heaven, mom. I'm in peace. I feel happy with myself. I have friends, people that take care of me. The guys, Johnny, Matt, Zack, they all have a place there. One day, when their time comes, they'll join me for an eternity. However, you won't. You all will go straight to heaven, where you guys belong."

I pulled back as dad walked over to mom and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, Kelly and Katie stood by them, "I miss you all so much. Life without you is a living hell. It's hard and sometimes it's just too much. However, because I love you, I know that it's for the best. I'll stay by your side, for as long as you let me. The second you forget about me, a part of me will disappear."

Kelly laughed breathlessly as she wiped away a tear,"Oh, James. You know we can't forget about you. We will always remember you."

Katie nodded as a tear left her eye,"We miss you so much, Jimmy. Everyday is a struggle without you. We'll never be able to move on completely. You really did take a piece of us inside of you, you bastard."

I laughed as I rose a hand and wiped away my tears. Looking down at my family, I smiled as I nodded, "I love you. You guys kept a piece of me inside of you, it will stay there forever, I know that. You've went ten years without me. Promise me you'll go on for many more. Promise me you will continue my legacy. Promise me you'll never be afraid."

Dad nodded as he smiled, "Of course, son. We will make sure of that. We'll make sure that one day, we make you proud."

I laughed as I shook my head, "Oh, but dad, you don't even have to try. I couldn't be more proud. I can only hope that I can make you proud."

Mom nodded as fresh tears ran down her face, "Oh, son. We were proud of you before you were even born."

I smiled wide, my face was hurting from how much I was smiling. Opening my arms, my sisters again were the first ones to run into my arms. I smiled as I kissed their foreheads, "I love you, so much. Take care."

"We love you too, Jim Jams."

We all pulled back and next up were mom and dad. Dad, again, gave me a kiss on the forehead, mom made me lean down so she could do the same. After she kissed my forehead, she spoke up again, "I love you, son. I loved you before you were even born and I'll continue to love you even after your death."

Pulling back, I smiled, "I know... I love you all, so much. Take care. I'll see you again."

With that, I closed my eyes as wind picked up and before I knew it, I turned to dust and flew away along with the petals of lavender.

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