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Everyone in our little community was excited and sad at the same time. The sector of the Kilmister was activated, which meant the joker himself would soon walk amongst us.

I found the news while I was cradling my nephew, Cash, in my arms while his parents were asleep. He was the spitting image of Valary. Light, blonde hair, beautiful eyes, he was handsome. Both River and Cash were. I knew they were going to make chicks drool after them.

Anyways, I was singing "Fiction" to the little chipmunk when my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was a text from Darrell.

"Head back into town, Lemmy should be here any second now."

I looked down at the beauty and smiled,"Well baby, I gotta head out. Uncle Jimmy loves you."

The kid gave me a sloppy kiss on the nose, making me giggle. I laid him back in his crib, waved, then jumped out the window. After a few minute walk, I passed through the gates, going straight to the pub. I knew Lemmy would be there, because all of the undead were making their way there.

When I walked inside, I saw the God of rock himself sitting on a barstool, smoking from a cigar, a glass of scotch in front of him. Girls were all around him, dressed in as less clothes as possible. That's when I realized that the last time I had this kind of contact with someone was a really, really, long time ago.

I casually made my way to him. First to notice me was Dimebag. He raised his glass in my direction, his other hand was too preoccupied with cupping the ass cheek of a thin brunette, "What's up, brother?"

Didn't he have a girlfriend?... Oh well, maybe it turned out they're not soulmates...

Kilmister turned to me, his thin lips curling at the corners of his mouth in a smirk. He got up from the barstool and opened his arms.

We shared a brief hug and when we pulled back, I slapped his back and nodded my head, "Welcome home. It's an honor."

He nodded as he took a drag from the cigar,"Thanks James. It's good to be home."

He looked over my shoulder and smiled, laughing a little, "Ronnie, don't you think you want to calm down?!"

I looked over my shoulder and chuckled. Dio was sitting at a booth in the back, a blonde with big titties was sucking him off. He just smiled and did the horns up, Lemmy returned the gesture.

Lemmy turned to me and smiled, "Well, I thought heaven was a good place, but damn, I can't believe my eyes. This is paradise for motherfuckers like us."

I chuckled as I shook my head, smirking. After a pause I looked at him and crossed my arms, "Well, actually Lemmy, I've been eyeing one of your companions for quite some time..."

At this exact moment, Cliff passed us by. He slapped Kilmister's back, smiling widely, "He wants to get laid. He's been on the dry for what, six years... "

Lemmy smiled wide, a laugh escaped from his lips. He looked to my left, smirking," That brunette? She's been eyeing you all night. Have some fun, James. "

I nodded as I looked over my shoulder briefly, just to meet the eyes of that specific girl. I smirked and turned around, making my way to the harlot that was sipping a cocktail from a tall glass, dressed in a red, velvet dress that would be on the floor in less than five minutes.

Once I stood in front of her, I felt a pang of guilt wash over me for some reason. The last time I was intimate with someone, it was Leanna... Well, it is what it is, you gotta do what you gotta do, and what I had to do was get laid.

After a few minutes of sweet talking and a lil' bit of touching here and there, she was dragging me away to the very back where private rooms and sex swings were on display.

Wait... I'm dead... This girl is pretty much dead... Is that necrophilia? Or should one of us be alive?

Must have stabbed her fifty fucking times-James, no. Now is not the time. Stop it.

Well, I didn't care, all I wanted was a good time.

After a few hours of that little harlot screaming my name, scratching my back and me making her pray to gods she didn't know she believed in, we were finished.

I laid on the bed, a sheet covering my private part, smoking a cigar and watching the harlot as she tugged on her dress. After picking up her heels in one hand and ruffling her hair with the other, she turned to me and waved her fingers before she left through the door.

And only after then I realized that the girl was in fact the one who played the harlot in the music video for Beast and the Harlot we did a few years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if she died of drug overdose or something.

I laid back, closing my eyes. It was moments like these, when I was alone, when I realized how much I missed the guys. How much I missed their wives. I missed all of them so fucking much.

I hadn't really gotten over the fact that I could no longer barge into one of their houses and drink all their alcohol in one night while they're still asleep. I couldn't sit on the doc by the ocean while I had deep conversations about the future with any of them. It was sad, really.

Oh god, their faces at my funeral still haunted me every night. Matt, the one who usually was all smiles, showing off his dimples, wore a stone-cold expression on his face. Brian, who usually was capable of controlling his emotions was a heartbroken mess. Zacky and Johnny weren't any better.

That's when it hit me. Four more years and I'll see them again. I'll touch them again. Everything will be okay.

I opened my eyes and smiled through tears, laughing a little, "Four years. One thousand, four hundred and sixty days. Hold on tight. I'm coming home."


Back in huntington beach, Matt was sleeping soundly in his bed. He had heard my words. However, he thought it was only a dream...

The Stallion Man/ a7x [COMPLETED] Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat