This Means War

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*Jimmy's POV *

The guys and I had a great time at the lake. They accepted Dime and Vinnie with open arms and we all had so much fun. However, we had to head back to Huntington today.

Brian and I were walking around the shore of the lake, both of us had cups of coffee in our hands and cigarettes were hanging from our lips. I had on a stupid snapback and a pair of glasses that Brooks made me wear, 'cause they don't want me to get caught.

I glanced at Bri as I took a drag off my cigarette, "Do you think your wives will freak out when they see me?"

After a moment, Brian replied, "I think so. They were all... Crushed. Especially Valary, so be careful when you're around her, you know how she can get. She'd be furious. As of Michelle..."

I frowned as I took a sip of my coffee, flicking off some ash from the cig. Bri sensed my confusion and he sighed, explaining, "You'll be an uncle... Again. I'm afraid that she'll get stressed and lose the baby..."

I nodded as I took a drag off my cigarette, "Oh, I know about my niece-"

Brian stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes were wide and he looked like he was going to faint, "Wh-What? I'll have a baby girl?"

I smiled wide as I nodded, Brian mirroring my expression. He almost dropped his cup as he threw his arms around my neck, "I'll have a baby girl!"

I laughed as I hugged him back, being more careful with my beverage, "That's right, man! I'm so happy for you, I was so happy when I found out!"

He pulled back, worry on his face this time, "Fuck, I don't know how to raise a girl! What if something happens? What if she hates me? What if Michelle loses the baby because of the stress? What if -"

I sighed as I shook my head, "You never learn... What have I told you about the 'what if's'? They just make life harder. Stop it, everything is going to be okay. I've learned a... Trick or two since I've been gone."

Bri raised an eyebrow as he took a few steps back,"Wait... You ain't gonna hurt my wife, right?"

I rolled my eyes as I put my cigarette in-between my lips, then I hit the back of his neck, "Do you really think I'd ever hurt my family, you dumbass?"

Brian kept quiet, but he spoke up a minute later, "Alright, you're right. I just can't help but be kinda worried, y'know? I'm sorry, really."

We heard footsteps and someone cursing. I got scared, so I dropped my cup and clicked my fingers, becoming invisible. Brian looked right through me as he frowned, then he went back to looking at the direction of the noise.

Moments later, Zacky fell through a bush, cursing. I laughed as I turned visible, shaking my head, "You're such a dumb fuck!"

Brian laughed too while we watched as Zacky got back on his feet, dusting off his jeans, "Fuck you both. C'mon, we need to head back."

I nodded as I picked up my cup, "Alright, let's go."


"You promise you won't dissappear on me?"

I rolled my eyes as I nodded, opening the car door, "Yeah man, I promise. You can just text me if you want. The phone number is still the same. You survived ten years without me, you should be able to survive nine more hours. "

I turned to Matt as Brian sighed and walked to Brooks' car, getting in, "Where do we meet? Your house?"

He nodded as he put his hands in his pockets, "Yeah, that's the plan. The girls should be there. Just so you know, there's a new audition to the family, you weren't around when Zack and Meghan got married... Well, you were there in person for only my wedding, you didn't attend the guys' wedding, but you know what I mean."

I smirked as I crossed my arms over my chest, "You sure I wasn't there?"

He rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face, "Alright, maybe you were. Anyway, I need to ask you, have you met all of the kids?"

I thought for a second before I replied, "Well, all except for Brooks' twins, otherwise I've met all of them."

Matt nodded as he slapped me on the back, "Alright Jimbo, see you in a few hours. I hope you're in for a bit of a ride."

I nodded as I smiled, pulling him in a short hug, "Bye man, see you soon."

We got into our cars and Brooks drove off first, Dimebag was next. After we moved onto the highway and we sped off, I grabbed a hair elastic and pulled back his hair, "Just so you don't get recognized."

He rolled his eyes as he continued to drive. I grabbed a beanie from the back seat and threw it on his head, trying to tuck some of his hair in, "Alright, much better."

He scoffed as he glanced at me, "I look like a normie."

Vinnie rolled his eyes as he turned up the radio, "Shut it, I can't hear the song."

After Bon Jovi's 'Runaway' I frowned when the next song started. I could recognize this guitar everywhere. However the song was quite unfamiliar...

" Hide my face again, harbor in the shadows, feel this weight of sin hammering away! Die, with the guilt of a thousand AWOL soldiers, Die, watch the scythe usher me astray! I can't go on this way, not as I am today, the ugly side of me is strong! Take aim, a loaded gun. Pull back on all who run! A coward's truth inside the wrong! This means war! "

Dimebag made a face as he headband, turning the radio all the way up and rolling down the windows," Boy, these guitars are sick! Who is that?!"

I smirked as I crossed my arms over my chest,"Guess who."

After a few seconds, a look of recognition washed over his face and he smiled wide, "Is it Brian that's playing? Wait, is this your band? What the fuck?!"

He hit the wheel when the solo started, screaming, "Fuck yeah son, you better rock it!"

I quickly pulled out my phone and made a video of Darrell rocking out to Brian's solo. I then turned the camera to Vinnie and he smiled as he gave me the finger.

I laughed as I stopped recording and sent the video to Brian. A few moments later, he texted back.

|Fuck yes, son!

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