An Epic Of Time Wasted

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*McKenna's POV *

I spat out blood as I leaned against a rock, not caring that my legs were close to burning as I sat on the hot sand. I shook my head as I looked around me, the corpse of the demon was a few feet away from us.

Cliff crouched down in front of me as he cupped my face, "How are you doing, little one?" He stuck out his finger, "Look and follow my finger."

I did as told, then he smiled as he put a hand on my shoulder, "You're okay, soldier. You did a great job."

I smiled as he helped me up, "Thanks." I looked around as I asked, "We all good? Everything okay?"

After I got positive answers, Chester spoke up, "Guys, we're close. Look."

We all looked into the distance and saw the castle of death in ahead. I frowned as I stared at it, "Wait, is Lucifer in there?"

Lemmy nodded as he lit up a cigar, "Yeah. He's locked up in there since Elizabeth took over."

I looked at him as I crossed my arms,"Elizabeth? I thought I was dealing with Bridget. Who's that Eli chick?"

Dio spoke up, making me look at him,"She's the legacy of Bridget. Came here somewhere around the time when Lemmy came down. Was at his welcoming party, she was one of the harlots there-"

"Wait." I put my hands on my hips as I spoke up, "Is she kinda short, with brown hair and does she, by any means, have a skull with wings tattooed on her back?"

Lemmy nodded as he walked over, "Is there a chance you know her?"

I nodded as I scoffed, "Go figure, she acted in one of my brother's videos. It won't surprise me if she died of drug overdose, she stole money from my brother's friend, Matt, and wasted them on cocaine."

Lemmy cringed as he shook his head, "Too bad Jimmy took her to his bed."

My eyes widened, "Fuck, we need to go there faster! Who knows what type of curse that bitch put on Jumbo!"

We all ran off into the direction of the castle, we had to hurry.


*Brian's POV*

My back hit the ground as I cried out, "God damn, just give up already! Matt, get the fucking shotgun ready! I have a bit of an issue over here!"

"Hey I'm trying, the thing is stuck!"

The Wendigo screeched as it hovered above me. I screamed back as I grabbed it by its throat, turning us over, "Just die already, you bastard!"

"The gun is ready! "

I groaned as I hit the bitch's head against the pavement, it's loud cries were making me deaf, "Just fucking shoot!"

"I can't, you're moving too much!"

Dimebag groaned and I heard some wrestling, "Give me this thing!"

A few moments later I heard a gunshot and the Wendigo stopped moving. I took a deep breath before I fell to the side, then rolled onto my back.

Closing my eyes, I whispered, "Why always me? What did I do to deserve this? Why do these things love me so much?"

There were footsteps and then, "Brian, will you be able to continue?"

I opened one eye and saw Zack standing there. He gestured to my leg, making me look down. It was all torn up and bloody.

I rolled my eyes as I sat up, "Give me the bandage, it's in Jimmy's backpack."

Jimmy limped over, giving me the bandage, "There you go." He looked at Dimebag and Vinnie as he leaned on his cane, "Do you think there are some other Wendigos around?"

Vinnie spoke up as he walked to us, "Yeah, there might be. After all, this place is a hotspot for these shits. Don't know why and how they got outta the portal."

My phone rang, making me frown. Jimmy also took it out of the bag and I answered the call, putting it in-between my ear and shoulder, "You're still alive."

" Thanks for the enthusiasm, big brother. It's good to know you care. "

I rolled my eyes as I wrapped up my leg, "Oh, c'mon, you know I care. Now what's wrong?"

" Do you remember Elizabeth? The Harlot chick? From Beast And The Harlot?  "

I nodded as I threw the bandage at Jimmy so he could put it away, "Yeah, I remember. What about the druggie?"

There was a pause before she spoke up, " Just tell Jimmy that he's stupid and he should be careful with who he fucks. She's Bridget's legacy and she put some sort of disease in him. Now we have to kill her and if we do that, then the demons will go away and Jimmy will live, well, kind of. "

I glared at Jimmy and he frowned. Getting up, I spoke, "Alright Kenna, thanks for the info. I gotta go before some other monster tries to have me for dinner."

Just be careful, okay? I don't wanna have to say anything to Mich.  "

With a sigh, I nodded, "Alright, alright. See ya later, take care."

We hung up and I looked at Jimmy, "You're so fucking stupid."

He raised an eyebrow as he watched me get up,"What do you mean?"

I sighed as I gave him my phone so he could put it away, "The Elizabeth chick you fucked in two thousand and fifteen put some curse in you so it can make you disappear. Now, my baby sister has to fight her and kill her, because it turns out she's Bridget's family."

A look of realization washed over his face and he groaned, "Oh hell no, fuck.

There was a roar and we all looked up. At the end of the path in Jimmy's park, a whole pack of Wendigos sat there, ready to attack.

I sighed as I pulled out my knife from my belt, taking my fighting stance, "Let's get this over with. I'm staring to hate these things."

Dimebag laughed as he put his shotgun on fire, "You've no idea. These fuckers aren't even that bad, trust me."

The leader of the pack screeched, the others following. With that, we started yet another battle.

The Stallion Man/ a7x [COMPLETED] Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя