Crimson Day

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*Brooks' POV*

I was sitting in Johnny's living room, my headache was killing me. Even if I had slept, the talk with Jimmy took a lot of energy from me. He was visiting me really often, almost every night. At first I had thought I was only dreaming, but then when I woke up I had a note in my shoe.

No word to the guys. Keep it a secret.

- Mr. Duck

Johnny shoved me as he sat down next to me, making me wince, "Cheer up, you old man!"

I glared at him as I put my pointer and middle finger up, pressing then to my temple as I tried to ease the pain,"I'm not old. It's not my problem you're acting like a child."

Brian looked at me and rose an eyebrow, "Brooks, are you okay? You've only insulted Johnny once. And it wasn't even an actual insult. More like a sarcastic joke."

I sighed as I leaned back, looking at my boys who played with River, Cash, Franklin, Nicci and Tennessee, "Nah man, I'm okay. I guess I've had too much to drink last night."

Matt popped his dimples at me, shaking his head, "Don't you always?"

I rolled my eyes and reached over, hitting his snapback, "Ha ha. Who is the one that always drives you home when you get drunk beyond belief, you dumb fuck?"

Matt readjusted his snapback, "Fuck you."

Zacky looked at me as he held Ozzy closer to his chest," Honestly tho, is everything okay? "

I felt a hand on my shoulder and a whisper in my ear, "Don't fuck this up."

I shivered a bit and glared into thin air,"Don't worry, I'm fine. Just hungover. Now, are we going to discuss the vacation or no?"

Johnny shook his head as he leant back in his chair, "I don't think so. We have three months ahead of us. The holiday isn't going anywhere."

Matt looked at Brian and rose an eyebrow, leaning in and whispering something in his ear. Brian nodded and held his finger up. I could use this as an excuse to get the attention off of me.

I rose an eyebrow as I crossed my arms over my chest,"Are you guys going to share?"

Brian glared at me, but then sighed. That's when I noticed he looked different. He had lost weight, he was paler than usual, there were bags under his eyes and his hair was in a ponytail. He wore a pink sweater and blue shorts. He sure looked like he had crawled out of a hole.

I rose an eyebrow, concern clear on my face, "Wait, are you okay Bri? You don't look like you normally do, I mean, what happened to the man that took three hours just to get his hair and outfit done?"

The glare was back on his face, but Matt put a hand on his knee. Brian took a deep breath and spoke up, "Michelle is four months pregnant, if you haven't noticed. She's really good at hiding it. Matt has known for quite some time now tho."

The guys all broke into smiles and the boys cheered, which made Brian smile, relief washed over him, I could tell. I felt the breeze pick up around me, which was strange because we were indoors, but I could only guess it was Jimmy. He was happy to know he was having another nephew or niece.

"Hug him and tell him you couldn't have been prouder, then call him an asshole. "

I got up and hugged him, slapping him on the back,"Congratulations! I'm so proud of you, dickhead! Feeling like an old guy now? Do your bones speak to you yet, huh?"

He laughed and slapped my shoulder, then pulled back,"No, I feel like I'm still twenty-eight! But thank you, old man, I appreciate that."

We sat back down and River spoke up, the kids coming to us,"Bri, how do you plan on naming our cousin?"

Brian smiled wide as he pulled River so he was sitting in his lap,"Well, we still haven't decided on a name. We just know that, no matter what's the gender, the middle name will be Saint James. Simple as that."

Matt laughed as Nicci got comfortable in his lap, playing with his hands,"I'm so happy for you man. Honestly, when I had my kids, they were my biggest inspiration to write new music. Crimson Day has to be our best song."

Cash sat closer to his dad, leaning to his side, "Is that song for us, Daddy?"

Matt nodded proudly, kissing Cash's hair, "Yes baby, it's for you two, my chipmunks. You know daddy can't live without you, right babies?"

River nodded, smiling fondly at his father, "Yes daddy and we love you. You're the best."

"Give me a tissue. "

I rolled my eyes with a smile as I turned to Matt,"I thought they were two songs about Cash and River?"

Matt nodded as he put Cash so he was sitting on his knee and Nicci was on his other knee,"Yep, Cromson day is for River and Higher is for Cash."

Brian smiled wide as he looked at Nicci lovingly, still hugging River, "I wrote a song about my babies too, but it won't make it to the records. It's our thing. Right, Nicci?"

Nicolangelo nodded as he smiled at his father," Yes, Daddy."

Johnny held Franklin closer to his chest, gently kissing his head, "I wish I was a good songwriter so I could write something for my little one."

I smiled as my boys sat next to me, talking amongst themselves. I still couldn't believe they were twelve. Maybe I was old, after all...

"Ha, finally! I didn't think I'd hear this from you! "

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest,"Oh shut up."

That's when I noticed the guys actually heard me. I cleared my throat, looking at Johnny,"I'm sure you're not that bad. Didn't you write a part of Desecrate Through Reverence?"

Johnny nodded with a shrug, then broke off into a conversation with the guys.

Thank God they didn't catch me...

The Stallion Man/ a7x [COMPLETED] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang