Forgotten Faces

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*Matt's POV*

By the end of the night, Brian and I were wasted, worse than the others of the group. It was probably somewhere around three at night and when one person gets drunk, they either get wild or depressed. Sure enough, we all were depressed.

Zacky sighed as he sat on the lawn chair, "Man, going out here was a bad idea."

We all just nodded. It was getting dark and our thoughts got more lonely and depressing. Johnny sighed as he ran his hand over his face, "Fuck, man. I'm so stupid."

Brian cleared his throat before he spoke up, his voice was really hoarse, "It isn't your fault that you brought one more chair, Johnny. It was just outta habit."

Johnny shook his head as he gulped, his voice cracking, "No. N-no, it wasn't that. Just, w-with how things have gone by, I-I thought that maybe... Maybe he'd show up."

I was kinda happy Brooks was already asleep. It was going to be really, really awkward if he was still here.

Out of nowhere Johnny got up and took off. The three of us sobered up straight away or just thought so. We shot out of our chairs and took off in the direction of the sound of branches breaking and the sobbing that left Johnny's mouth.

We ran and ran, the moonlight was our only source of light, but because it was so late, it was almost pitch black. I groaned as I picked up my pace, almost catching up with Brian. Brian was scared shitless. Even if it looked that he hated the guy, Johnny and Brian were like brothers.

Suddenly we heard a scream and something hit the ground a few moments later. Zacky, Brian and I only ran faster. However our fears came true when we stopped at the edge of a really high, narrow hill.

Brian took a shaky breath in, we were all sober by now. He turned to me, his eyes were shining because they were glossy, "I'm too s-scared to look down. I'm-I'm too scared to look."

I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulder. I didn't care if I looked like a faggot or something, I was terrified. Zacky made his way to me, wrapping an arm around my waist.

After a few moments, we heard some cursing, "Damn, bitch that hurt!"

"Darrell, are you okay?"

What the...?

There was a slap and somebody whined. We were still to scared to look down so we just looked at each other, exchanging glances.

"Do you think he is okay? A gargoyle fell down on him?!"

" Vinnie, as grateful as I am that you stuck up for me, it's not a gargoyle. It's kinda ugly tho. And it smells."

"Hey! If it's ugly and looks like a small creature, I think I know who it is!"

There were footsteps and soon enough a gasp followed," Oh my fuck, that's Johnny! Why is he all bloody?! Wait... If Johnny is here, does this mean-"

"James, look up!"

James... Darrell... Vinnie...

I glanced down and gasped. Down there were silhouettes of three men and Johnny. I looked at Brian as I quickly pulled my arm away from him,"Give me your torch."

He gave me the torch from his belt and I took a deep breath. I shined it down on the men and heard Zacky gasp, "Jimmy!"

Sure enough, when I looked down, there was no other than Jimmy, smiling up at us. I looked around and saw the one and only Dimebag Darrell, was laying on the ground with a squirming Johnny on top of him. Good, he was waking up... A few feet away from them was Vinnie who sat with his arms crossed and an amused smirk on his face. "Hi and hello from the holy trinity!"

I snapped outta my trance when I heard branches breaking. I looked down to see Zacky who was almost down there next to Jimmy. Brian was shocked and tears ran down his face as he looked at me, "Is... Am I insane?"

When I looked down Zacky and Jimmy were hugging, both were on their knees and they were pretty much sobbing. I turned to Brian and shook my head, "No, you're not."

He took a deep breath and gulped, "I'll head back to the tents. I'm not stupid, I'll be safe. Don't worry."

And with that, he started heading back. I took a shaky breath and that's when it all came together. Jimmy was here. Jimmy. My best friend since second grade. My Jimmy.

I smiled through tears as I started heading down there, going fast but careful not to hurt myself, "James! J-Jimmy!"

When I was close enough I wrapped my arms around him and cried through laughter, "Jimmy, oh my, oh, Jimmy! You're here! You're actually here!"

I heard some groaning and Darrell spoke up from behind me, "Yo, Z-Zaxk? Zee? Ugh, the guy called Vengeance, will you help me up?"

I heard some shuffling so I could only assume he was getting Johnny off of him. I pulled back a little and smiled wide as I looked at Jimmy. He smiled as he held my shoulders, "I'm-I'm here Matt. I'm actually here."

I took a deep breath and pulled back. Out of nowhere, I slapped him hard. So hard that his head turned to the side and he hissed. Now it was time for the angry tears. Zacky stood right next to me, he was crying as well, "You fucker! You left us! Why would you leave us, Jimmy? Why?!"

He sighed, a small, sad smile on his face, "I'm sorry... I'm just so stupid, I was too drunk, I wasn't thinking straight-"

This time, Zacky punched him,"And that song, Death? What the fuck, Jimmy!? Don't tell us you didn't plan any of it!"

We heard a gasp from behind and we turned around. Johnny was now sitting and he was backed up against a tree. There was blood running down his face from his nose and his eyes were filled with tears.


Before he could even say a word, he passed out. I sighed and turned to Jimmy, "You're coming with us and we're going back to the tents. You've got a lot of explaining to do."

Jimmy shrugged as he made his way to Johnny. He threw him over his shoulder and looked at us, giving us a smile, "Lead the way, champs."

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