God Only Knows

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*Matt's POV*

The next day I woke up on the floor behind the bar in the pub. I groaned as I noticed that Brian was a few feet away from me, drool was coming out of his mouth and trailing down his cheek. I could see Zacky's heavily tattooed arm dangling off of the edge of the bar counter, his Jesus tattoo staring right at me.

I sighed as I sat up, rubbing my forehead. Getting up, I saw Johnny sleeping on top of Jimmy in the corner of the pub.

Zacky groaned as he rolled over, that groan transforming into a scream as he few face first on the ground, "Fuck me."

One of the shelves under the bar opened and McKenna crawled outside and over Zacky, "Fuck, now I wish I was dead so I don't have a hangover."

Another shlef opened and Darrell cralwled out as he groaned, "Oh, we have hungovers, don't worry."

I sighed as I looked at Jimmy and Johnny who were now standing. Brian quickly jumped up, touching his nose. A few moments later, he smiled as he sighed, "Oh, I'm back to normal. Thank fuck."

Vinnie walked into the pub, a huge smile on his face as Lemmy followed him, "Good morning, everybody! Want some coffee to cure your hangover?"

Johnny groaned as he ran his fingers through his beard, "A coffee sounds fucking fantastic."

Dimebag turned to him as he put his hands in his pockets, "Do you want a razor or something to take care of your beard?"

We all glared at him as he looked around at us. Brian glared as he pointed to his face, "I literally grew a beard, just to have you tell me that you have a razor!"

Vinnie rolled his eyes as he scoffed, "We're dead men, not cavemen."

We all just looked at each other while Brian was looking at Vinnie like he's ready to bite his head off.

He clapped his hands then walked away, "I'll... I'll go to your room and prepare the items. What type of coffee do you want?"


"Oh man, my skin is so smooth!"

Rolling my eyes, I looked at Brian who was caressing his now hairless cheeks, it had taken him the longest just because he wanted to make sure he didn't miss a single hair.

I looked at myself in the mirror, making sure my beard was in a good shape and it was even before I cleaned up all of the razors and shavers that we all used. Brian just tossed his in the sink before he winked at me and walked away.

After I took care of everything, I walked out of the bathroom and stopped dead in my tracks. All of the guys were dressed and ready, they were all just waiting for me.

I sighed as I looked at Kenna who put her hair up in a bun, "Kenny, can you help?"

She nodded as she snapped her fingers. Looking down at my outfit, it consisted of a Metallica '... And Justice For All!' hoodie, dark blue pair of jeans, my snapback and aviators. Grinning, I rolled the sleeves of the hoodie, "Kenna, you know me so well."

They all chuckled and with that we left the room, locked the door and walked outside of the Bat Country Complex Building. After our suitcases were in the trunks, we turned to Cliff who smiled at us, "Thanks so much for your help. Bat Country is forever grateful. We will be eagerly waiting for your return and we will never forget you. Stay safe."

With that, he was gone. Lemmy turned to us as he tipped his hat, "I just wanna say thank you gentlemen for the help. We'd be pretty much fucked without ya. See you next time."

Brian turned to Elvis who was a few feet away, "Hey, Elvis!"

The legendary singer raised his eyebrows before he walked over to us. Brian grabbed his hand and shook it firmly as he said, "I owe you my life. Thank you so fucking much, it's dearly appreciated."

Elvis smiled warmly as he pulled him into a bro hug, "You're welcome. I can't wait to go through more adventures with you, brothers."

When he pulled back, he waved and with that he walked away. Darrell looked at all of us as Vinnie just got in the car, "Ready to go?"

"Just one thing." Brooks walked to him, putting his hands in his pockets, "Can I go with you this time? I wanna ask Vincent some drum stuff and I think the guys would appreciate having Jimmy with them."

We all grinned as Darrell nodded, a smirk on his face, "Hop in, motherfucker."

After we all got in the cars, we started driving the way we came. While we were speeding down a highway, I saw the light in the distance. Suddenly, Brian being the dramatic fuck he was, wrapped his arms around Jimmy as he started singing," Live again... All roads end..."

Then Zacky chimed in, "I'll be coming home!"

I rolled my eyes with a smile as I started singing along, "Tend your light, 'cause on this night..."

Then we all just sang together, "I'll be coming home!"

When we hit the last note, our car disappeared through the light and next thing we knew, we were going down the highway to Huntington Beach.

Johnny smiled as he put a hand on my shoulder, "We did it, guys. We fucking did it."

Jimmy smiled warmly at all of us. I could tell his smile was genuine, it wasn't even a mischievous grin. He was smiling from the heart and that made his smile, ten times sweeter.

When we parked in front of my house, all of the cars of the girls were in the driveway. We all got out and literally raced each other to the house. The second I walked into the living room, my heart beamed with pride, "Daddy!"

River and Cash ran in my direction, throwing themselves at me. I crouched down, wrapping my arms around them as Val came running, falling on her knees and giving me a giant hug.

Then and there, while we all got reunited with loved ones, I knew that I wouldn't trade this for anything.

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