M. I. A.

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*Brian's POV*

I've never felt such a great pain before. It was like my insides were burning and the blood that ran through my veins was made of metal, it was thick and cold.

I could hear sobbing, some intense sobbing that almost sounded like it could crush the ground. My hand was tightly clenched in two hands of one of my brothers and I could recognize this pleading voice from miles away.

"Brian, y-you can't g-go! Come b-back!"

I felt the urge to roll my eyes as I felt Zacky's hands raise mine. My hand was pressed to his forehead and he kept it there for a second as he continued to sob and pleade, it was breaking my heart.

I tried with all of my will power to move my hand, however I was able to move just a tiny muscle. It was enough to get Zacky's attention and he gasped quietly as he gently lowever my hand, but still kept a hold of it.

I opened my mouth as I was able to only open my eyes a little bit so I could look through my lashes. After I licked my lips which were burning, I spoke up in a quiet and hoarse voice, "You t-thought I'd give up so fast?"

Zacky cried out as he leaned over, wrapping his arms around me. I wrapped my arms arond his torso as I buried my head in his shoulder, he continued to cry, "Thank God you survived! I thought I h-had lost you!"

I shook my head as he pulled back a bit, wiping his eyes. With a small smile on my face, I punched his cheek as I spoke up, "Man up, pussy. I'm okay, see?"

I looked down and I saw I was in only my underwear. Lifting the blanket a bit, I saw as there wasn't even a wound, "What the -?"

"I have healing powers, my man." Elvis walked into the room, giving me a warm smile, "It's good to see you're up, we thought we lost you for a second."

Moments later the door flung open and Johnny ran inside, followed by Brooks and Vinnie.

Johnny fell on his knees next to the bed, burying his head in my chest, "Motherfucker, you scared the shit out of me."

I laughed as I put my hand on Johnny's head, giving it a few harsh strokes, "Oh, you know I'm a fighter. Stop wailing, short shit."

Brooks rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest, again falling into his role of a father-figure, "You're so immature. I guess I'm also happy that you survived."

I smirked as Johnny straightened up, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, "Of course you are." I looked around the room with a frown before I looked at Vinnie, "Where are the others? What happened?"

Brooks looked down shamefully as he spoke up, "Jimmy wanted to go and defeat Elizabeth himself since he thinks it's his fault for all of this. He went there two days ago. We still don't have any news from the others."

My blood ran cold as I sat up, gritting my teeth, "I need to go there."

Zacky growled as he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back on the bed, "You're not going anywhere. You saved our lives way too many times, I think you've done enough. I don't want to and I won't be the one to tell Michelle that she's a widow, you hear me?"

I groaned as I sat up again, only to be pushed back down, "Zack, I'm not a stupid teen, I'm not about to get hurt."

Elvis cleared his throat as he looked at his nails, "You did get hurt just a few days ago..."

I glared at him as he shot me a smile, leaning against the wall. After a few moments of getting glares from the guys, I sighed as I sat up and propped my pillows up higher so I could lean my back on them, "Can at least some of you leave then? I want to talk to my brothers."

Elvis nodded as he walked out of the room, followed by Vinnie. Brooks went to walk away but I whistled, "Where do you think you're going, grandpa?"

He turned around as he smirked, "Oh, I didn't know I was a part of the family."

I smiled as I pat the free spot on the bed, "Get your ass over here and let's talk."


*Jimmy's POV*

I cried out as I felt my back hit the wall behind me. Lucifer quickly moved so he was staying in front of me, shielding me from the strike of magic in our way.

The devil threw me in the air and I did a front-flip, then I straightened out as I threw lighting in Elizabeth's direction.

The electricity wrapped around her wrists and attached her to the floor so she was on her back. I fell right in front of her as I panted, feeling as pain shot through me once again, "Elizabeth. It's over. I will not let you torture the undead. Time for you final words?"

She screamed out something in latin before she cried out in frustration, "You're all going to regret this! You will oh so regret this!"

I looked over my shoulder at Lucifer who was slumped down a bit, showing off his teeth as if he was ready to attack. I mentioned to the witch that stood in front of me as she trashed around, "Wanna take care of her?"

A deep growl shook the ground and he twirled his tail a few times. A roar came deep within his chest and the ground shook. Right where she was laying, the ground started shaking as there was a big crack, it was exactly like an earthquake.

Elizabeth screeched as the ground beneath her started to give in, "I'll end you!"

As she cried out in frustration, the ground gave in completely and she fell deep into the pits of Hell. She screamed bloody murder as her entire body caught fire and she turned to ash, her tortured soul still screeching and crying as it will do for an eternity. The ground started to close slowly and her screams became distant.

Right then and there, a sudden form of extacy shook through me and the whole place, making me fall on my knees. The last thing I heard was Dimebag and the others screaming for me.

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