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Brian's POV

"C'mon Brian, we're gonna be late!"

"Give me a second, I need to take my jacket!"

I looked at Michelle as she laid on the bed. Leaning down, I brought my lips to hers, "Will you be okay?"

She nodded as she ran her fingers through my hair, "Yeah, I will. Val and the girls will be here in a second. Go have some fun. Everything is going to be okay, darling. I love you."

I kissed her again, closing my eyes she cupped my face. I heard a horn outside so I pulled back and rolled my eyes. I smiled down at her, then reached and grabbed my jacket, "I'll see you next week babe, I love you."

After she said she loved me too, I kissed Nicci on the head and left.

I put my shoes on and ran outside. I got into Brooks' Nissan and glared at him. He raised his hands in surrender, his eyes wide, "It wasn't me, it was Johnny!"

Johnny gave me a shit-eating grin and shoved me, "Oh c'mon, Brian! This will be amazing, just like the old days! No girls, just us boys having a good time with lots of drinks!"

I sighed, shaking my head as I put on my seat belt, "Yeah, well now we have kids and wives. Also... Nevermid."

I sighed as I looked out the window, watching the buildings we passed by. We were headed over to the lake Tahoe to stay there for a week. We were going to go camping, since the guys wanted to take some time for themselves.

Zacky looked at me sadly as he scooted closer to me, "Brian, I know you miss him. We all do. But it's been nearly ten years. We have to move on-"

I glared at him as I crossed my arms, "Where were you yesterday?"

He raised an eyebrow as he looked at me, "At the bar-"

"How many beers did you buy?"

Zack caught on on what I meant and sighed,"Brian, stop-"

"How many?!"

Matt sensed that something was up so he glanced at Brooks,"Stop the car."

Brooks nodded and stopped on the side of the road. Matt got out of the passenger seat, opened my car door and hauled me out of the vehicle. He turned to Brooks and nodded, "Go to the lake. We will get there on stop."

Brooks nodded again and drove off. Once the vehicle was out of sight, Matt turned to me, "Now be a good kid and tell me what has crawled into your ass and died?"

When I didn't reply, he raised his eyebrows at me, making me sigh. I ran my hands through my hair," I'm sorry. I've been having nightmares and the anniversary is coming up. I know it's not an excuse, but holy shit..."

I sighed and sat down on the ground. I heard Matt sit down next to me and felt as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "We all miss him, every single day. Jimmy was family. He still is. But he would have wanted us to move on. You remember Fiction? I know you'll find your own way when I'm not with you tonight. Well, Jimmy meant every single word. He loved you, Brian. He loved all of us. We will see him again, just... Just not now, okay? "

I sighed and nodded, a sad smile on my face. Matt returned the smile and got up. He reached out his hand and I took it. I got up to my feet and hugged him, feeling as he returned the hug.

While we sat there, we heard a car stop and a horn go off. We pulled back and I raised an eyebrow when I saw who was in the Tesla that was a few feet away from us, "Ivan?"

Ivan was a friend of ours from a band that sounded kinda like ours. It was called Five Finger Death Punch, he was the singer. He lived in the state, so it wasn't a surprise we met him.

Ivan smiled as he waved his hand, making us get into the vehicle, a tall man sat in the passenger seat, a smile on his face as well.

We got into the car, closing the doors behind us. The blue-eyed man greeted us with a smile, "Well, well, well, what are you two motherfuckers doing here and where are the other parts of the package?"

Matt smiled, popping his dimples, "We're headed to Tahoe, care to be a champ and give us a ride?"

Ivan nodded, smiling, "You're lucky we were headed there. We will give them a ride, right Tommy? Oh, guys, this is Tommy, you probably know him from Bad Wolves? Bad Wolves as in the Zombie cover?"

I nodded, smiling and slapping his shoulder, "Hello! You're an amazing musician, by the way."

Tommy nodded, a smile on his face,"Thanks man, I appreciate that. You're musical legends, I'm hoping to hear more from you soon! "

Matt smiled as he nodded,"Thanks dude, we appreciate that. Just know we won't release anything new until next year and maybe after that. However, we'd actually love it if we paired up with you and made a song."

Tommy smiled wide, nodding, "Of course man! Just hit me up and I'll come over."

The rest of the drive was spent in laughter and for a second I forgot about the whole deal with James. However, there was this feeling deep down in my gut... Something was going to happen soon.

And I wasn't prepared for that.

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