Chapter 2: Humans Are More Deadly

Start from the beginning

A sudden warmth was pressed against my back and I turned my head around. There, resting behind me, was the turtle. Its head was leaning against my back. I made eye contact with it and it gave me a lazy grunt before shutting its eyes. It was a heavy warmth and a little difficult to keep my back straight but I managed to the best of my ability.

Once I got used to the feeling, I continued to chisel at the rock in my hand. Before long I managed to form the bottom into a sharp point. The I ripped another thing strip off the bottom of my shirt and used it to attach the rock to one of the thick sticks. I tied it as tight as I could, even cutting a few gashes in the stick and other end of the rock to make sure it didn't slide off either. I waved it around as hard as I could and was thankful to see no wobbling. It was secure. 

"Sorry, but I need to move now." I spoke gently to the sleepy turtle and gently pat its head as I stood up. It seemed a little annoyed and began raising to its own feet but I stopped it with more gentle patting. "You stay here, buddy. Maybe if we run into one another again I have more berries to share with you. Wouldn't that be fun?"

It gave a happy grunt and let out a huge yawn before settling back in the sand. I put out the fire and grabbed my new spear and canteen and began walking. 

The first day was used to get used to the weird place. I was going to use this day to start figuring things out. I also wanted to get away from the area in case the guys from last night actually did show back up. 

My feet were already a little sore after walking through the trees for only a few minutes. If I had to be honest, I was a pretty sheltered and spoiled girl. My parents always told me how delicate I was even though I hated it. Turns out they were right. I went to the gym when I could, but that did little to prepare me for a trek through the trees. Especially barefoot. The man had left me a pair of thin shoes but they were way too big so I left them behind. 

I stayed as close to the beach as possible while sticking to the trees. There was a lot more wildlife than I had ever expected. I didn't know the name for half of the creatures, but I came up with a few. Most were just pop culture references to make things a little more relaxed for me. 

I saw quite a few turtle roaming around and some more of those tiny dinosaurs. Just the sight of those little ankle-biters made my injuries throb. Felt very little pity in stabbing them when they ran up to me. Couldn't risk any new wounds plus it was very cathartic killing the damn thing.

"What the hell do chickens have to do with dinosaurs?" I stopped my upward trek on the elevated path I had made for myself and looked down at the beach where I saw small chickens just wandering about. None were close enough to really take a look at but I did my best and let out an excited laugh when I realized what they actually were. "Dodo birds! They have actual dodo birds here!"

No clue why, but I was oddly more shocked to see a dodo bird than I had been seeing a triceratops. 

Below me the beach began to frame a small river that I kept looking down into. I couldn't see much under the water from the rocky hill I stood on but I could recognize the most majestic of beasts swimming around. Its form was forever imprinted in my head and heart since birth. They were a symbol of our nation and among the most beautiful and respected. I found...

A beaver. 

I had never felt more Canadian than I did in that moment in some random jungle, surrounded by dinosaurs and looking down at a beaver. Surprised I didn't belt out the national anthem right then and there.

My joy only lasted for a short moment before it turned to pure unbridled rage. A dark shape moved quickly through the water until it came to the beaver and the water turned a pale shade of red and I was able to hear the thrashing in the water from where I was. Every so often the attacker emerged from the water, the beaver fighting bravely in its huge jaw.

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