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"What what ve~ Germany protect me!" Feliciano said hiding behind the said nation.

"Don't worry, I know where it is" a random voice picked up

"Where is it Al?" Jett asked looking around the room.

"On my shoulder" the nations turned to look at Alfred as he said that.

"Fuck that's like a huge ass tarantula" Leon (Hong Kong) said from the other side of the room.

"Yeah its really cool actually" Alfred said now holding the tarantula in his palm and looking at it as it crawls all over his hand.

"You got nuts for brains" Arthur told him plainly.

"It is strangely cute" Matthew said looking closer at it.

"Not you too Mathieu" Francis said wondering were he went wrong in his old charge's life. 

"What" now they were both playing with it having it crawl up each others arms which Jett and Toby strangely seemed jealous of.

"You can join in you know" the twins said to Jett and Toby.

Which is what they did.

So now the nations were looking at the 4 countries playing with a tarantula and wondering how they ended up losing their sanity

Did I mention that Gilbert and Kiku were looking at their s/o like they were insane as well.


Not good.

"It tickles" Wendy (Wy) said as it crawled up her bare arm when she finally caved and joined in.

At all.

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