9. 18 white roses for my 18 white girl

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I wake up and quickly take a shower and change into this. The picture above. Josh wasn't there so I go into everyone else's room and they aren't there either. Today is my 18 birthday and I would of thought everyone would celebrate with me. I guess not. I get my stuff and walk around, the grove, since the hotel is really close to it. A lot of fans want to take pictures so I do. I go around, get breakfast and bought myself a bracelet, it had diamonds all around it and said "lovely" in the middle. I walk back to the hotel after I walked around a bit more. Except now there where presents and streamers everywhere.
"Hel-" before I count say anything every jumped out of behind random places and said happy birthday. I almost had a heart attack. Josh was in front of me with 18 roses. I turned 18 btw. "18 white roses for my 18 white girl" Josh said handing them to me
"That was cute, but that was so cringey 😂, thank you baby"
" gosh, I mean you're welcome"
" hah I love you" I kiss him and walk over to a table to put them fown.
" I was almost mad at tall I thought you forgot"
"How could we forget the Queen's birthday"
Jason says giving me a hug. The whole queen thing is a random inside joke.
Josh got me a necklace, it's white gold and it says my name is cursive.
"Put it on me please" I ask handing it to Josh. He does and I turn around to the mirror lookin at it.
"I love it, thank you, but how much was this"
"Oh, It was nothing just a couple, thousand, dollars."
"Josh Richards You know I don't like you spendin all of your money on me"
"I know but, I saw it and I couldn't help but get it for you"
I smile at that
" hey, lovey dovey, open my present" chase says throwing a pillow at us.
"Ok" I laugh and take it from him.
It's a compass...
I look at him in confusion
"It's so you cN find your way back home, home with all of us"
"Aww chase, thank you" I hug him.
After all that I sit on the bed on my phone replying to birthday wishes.
Dude...thank you so so so so much for 5.79k reads, I'm soooo grateful thank you thank you thank you. I love you all. Buttttt read more and I'll be happy. I try to post at least once or twice a week, maybe more idk.
But go follow all my socials if you'd like
Bye bye bad biscuits

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