Dress To Impress

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Kyla's dress up above!

Ella hurried me into my room and to the walk-in closet. She threw the doors open and raced through the dresses. Slowly, my eyes landed on a single one.

The dress is strapless and it has orange, red, and black shade colours dancing across it. I reach forward and stroke it with my hand. From the corner of my eye, I notice Ella smile and then she grabs it.

"Put it on, you'll wear it tonight," she says smiling. I feel the tickle of a smile spreading on my face and I jog to the bathroom. Quickly, I strip and pull the dress on. It fits me perfectly. While opening the door I start heading over to the dresser. I open it and grab some black tight shorts and slip them in underneath the dress.

"Wow," I hear Ella whisper. I turn around and her mouth is open in a big O.

"We need to put on some makeup," I say.

"Just mascara and eyeliner."


I open the door with Ella beside me. Music and colourful lights hit me and a sly smile spreads across my face. Ella takes a cautious step forward. I look over at her and then stalk in. People are all around me, dancing. I can't help but appreciate the party my captures have started.

sElla and I start to sway our hips to the music but not really getting into it, until Marcus and the guy, David, that I saw her with the other day grab our hands and start dancing with us. My loose, straight hair flies wildly and I forget about everything. About who I am with, where I am, and all the situations I am in right now.

I notice the sky getting darker through the windows but I don't mind. I am having fun. All I care about is how I want Marcus and I to end up dancing the night away, and just that happens.

"Thank you, for trusting me and having fun," Marcus finally says before I leave to go to bed. I smile. What do I say?

"It was fun," I shrug and head out the door.

Once I am at my door I reach for the handle, only to be startled by a click. I turn my head and see somebody dressed in all black, holding a rifle pointed at my head.

"Hello, beautiful," the evil sounding voice says. I take a cautious step back and then his scent hits my nose. It is the smell of none other than somebody from the Orange Sun pack. I growl and shift, tearing my beautiful dress to shreds.

"Fine, play that then," he says and shifts into an auburn wolf.

I make the first move and spring into the air, landing square on his shoulders. I dig my flags in and then roll to the side, still attached. He snarls and bucks me off. Swinging his paw, he lands a hard hit on the nose. I jump again and, this time, pin him down. He whimpers but I dig my claws deeper into his flesh. Struggling underneath me, he snarls. I bend down and bite into his throat. Warm, red blood flows into my mouth as his lifeless body crumples underneath me. I jump off of him.

"Wow," I her from behind me and I turn to see Marcus.

"You're good!"

I get up and run into my room.

Silence✔️: Book 1 In The Moon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now