Second Mate...

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I was in a dark and terrifying forest. Everything seemed blurry.

"Kyla," I heard my name roll off of someone's tongue. It sound sweet, but scary as well. I knew it wasn't Kenny, but somehow it sent shivers up my spine. I tried to take a step forward, away, but my feet wouldn't move. I looked around, shaking. I heard a twig snap and I fell over. I curled my knees to my chest. A musky scent invaded my nose. It smelt good. Satisfying. But how? How!? I already had my mate.

"Hello," came the voice again. Slowly, I stood up and turned around. There stood a well built man. He had black hair the colour of ravens wings that was tousled and green eyes. A shiver ran up my spine and I felt warm. Everywhere. I blinked in disbelief and he smirked.

"Hello, my mate," he whispered. He ducked down until our lips were inches away. His hot breathe brushed my lips and I breathed his scent in. Then, he kissed me. He grabbed behind my neck and pulled, deepening the kiss. Slowly he pulled away. Who was he and what power did he have over me? I was in love with someone else. Not him. I couldn't resist him though.

"Until later, my sweet mate," he whispered.

I awoke, sweating and breathing hard. No. No. Not a second mate. It couldn't be. Oh crap.


Sorry for such a short chapter, it's just REALLY important. Bye!

Silence✔️: Book 1 In The Moon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now