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It was 1:37 AM when we heard the sirens. Everyone jumped up and quickly shifted. My inner wolf was howling for a fight. Ever since my training with Caleb it had been restless.

A large brown wolf, probably Caleb, burst through the door and into the hallway. He let out a short howl and sprang at the first attacker he saw. I looked around, I was so anxious to get started on my first battle. I noticed a vampire on top of Zara and I sprang at it, grabbing at its neck and biting down hard. He gurgled something and then fell loose in my jaws. It was vampires attacking!

I whirled around and jumped, landing on a beast and scratching it with my hind legs. The vampire screeched in pain and swung at me but I ducked only to have another vampire attack me from behind. I fell down and pushed right back up, sending one of them flying into the wall. Chaos was swirling all around me. I started collapsing at the thoughts that began to swim in my mind.

The pack house was getting destroyed. The havoc that broke loose was destroying everything.

The fight was now dying down. I started roaming looking for the Alpha, and when I saw him... he was no longer who he used to be. The coal black wolf was lifeless. Beside him was the Beta. Beside him was the Alphas and Betas family's. I let out a long howl of despair and my pack mates joined me. There was Zara, looking the worst. I tried so hard to help her, and she fell.

"Everybody grab some things, we will leave at the first sunlight," Caleb called after we had quieted down. Everybody obeyed and shuffled back to our rooms. We all shifted and got dressed. I grabbed a backpack and shoved in some clothes and a water bottle. Everybody else quietly and solemly did the same.


There we stood, as wolves, looking towards the moon slowly rising into our sky. The little ones who couldn't shift were on our backs. The girl who clung to me was staring upwards mesmorized by the stars which looked like little freckles dazzling the sky.

I gripped my bag into my powerful jaws and sighed. Our world had fallen apart in just a matter of minutes.

Last night we had a "council" meeting. With no more pack council we had gathered a group of us to become the "council". The council includes Caleb, Jess, April, Adam, and Luke and myself. At the meeting we discussed what we would do now, how we would move forward, and finally we decided to desert the pack house and make refuge in the forest. We would leave at night and make camp during the day because we didn't know WHERE in the forest we would go. Some suggested the training grounds, and by a vote it's been decided that is most likely where we are going.

Our new "leader", Adam, howled a signal and we all broke out into a run. The older wolves were in the back as was tradional, where as the younger wolves were in the middle as we are much more vulnerable.


When we reached the training grounds we all let our passengers off and shifted quickly getting changed. We all brought 3 pairs of clothing, we were hoping to stay in wolf form for the most part. Being able to mind link helped a lot.

I helped set up a tent with two other wolves for April, myself and 2 girls that couldn't shift yet named Amy and Mikayla. That night we sat around a spirited fire and told the old legends of the packs of Honolulu.


The next morning I woke, stiff and still tired. I stretched my aching body and shifted right away, remembering to take my clothes off before so I wouldn't shred them. I met up with Caleb and we effortlessly  mind linked and decided to go hunting.

Silence✔️: Book 1 In The Moon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now